Page 92 of Teach Me

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“Hm, well don’t do that. It was way too sexy for a student to handle.”

He grinned down at me, ready to delve into more kisses, but I stopped him.

“Wait, I was trying to say,” I interrupted. “Is that I never actually got your shirt clean. I bought a new one.”

His smile grew impossibly bigger.

“I know,” was all he bothered saying.

“You knew?” I yelped, playfully slapping at his shoulder.

His arms slipped around my waist as I fought to get away in my outrage.

“You missed a pin,” he whispered into my ear, then nibbled on my lobe before I could get away.

I threw myself against the wall by the stairs while pointing an accusing finger at him.

“You let me think all this time that I’d pulled the wool over your eyes!”

“Did you honestly think that I’d mistake a ten dollar Walmart special shirt for the two hundred dollar costume wool dress shirt I’d given you?”

My jaw dropped.

“It was not,” I cried.

I’d just thrown the other shirt away without a second thought.

Two hundred dollars?

“What could you ever do to make it up to me?” he asked, prowling toward me.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I demanded.

His smile melted into one of adoration.

“Because I didn’t see the point. Besides, in the beginning I was just trying to get you to not hate me. After that, I kind of forgot.”

I rolled my eyes at him, but let him approach this time. His arms slid around my waist again and eased up the back of my tank top.

Not to be left behind, my fingers deftly started working the buttons of his soft shirt. I got halfway down when a knock at the door made us both jump.

“Probably a package,” he said, pulling away to get the door.

I whined as he went.

“You have the only package I want,” I tried, but he just laughed at me.

“That was terrible,” he said, then opened the door.

The way his whole body stiffened had the friskiness draining out of me and apprehension taking its place.

“I’m sorry,” came a female voice. “They called me in for an emergency shift, and if I say no they’ll give me another strike…I can’t lose this jo—”

I peeked my head around the door and the beautiful woman on the other side stopped mid-sentence. Two little boys stood beside her, both with backpacks in their hands. One wore a smile, the other a frown.

“Uh, who is this?” the woman asked, giving up on her explanation evidently, to demand one from Owen.

Owen’s mouth opened, but he choked on his words, nothing but gibberish bubbling out.

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