Page 91 of Teach Me

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“So good,” she gushed. “We’ve been talking about what he’s going to do once he opens his practice, and I honestly think he’s going to ask me to marry him after the semester is through. He wants to move to Birmingham or Memphis, just somewhere to get out of this hole of Nothingness, Mississippi.”

“Wow, then you’re getting everything you want,” I tried. “He’s your dream guy, huh?”

She shrugged.

“Well, I mean, no, but he’s checking off the list, right? Isn’t that what you said? Good job, confident, supportive, smart.”

Somehow I couldn’t imagine her with someone like that. Clea needed a man who drove her crazy just as much as he drove her mad with passion.

But, instead of telling her that, I was going to support her unlike how she did to me.

“I’m happy that you’re happy,” I finally said. “I’d like to meet him sometime.”

She hummed, then her smile dimmed.

“I suppose since you’re dating a professor, the whole idea of a double date isn’t going to work, huh?”

I shook my head.

“Not right now.”

“Right,” she murmured, dropping her eyes to her phone.

We gave up our conversation so I laid down in my bed and checked to see if I had any messages.

There weren’t any, and I kind of hated that Owen was giving me the space I asked for. I wanted him to invade and steal me away. Was reading my mind a little too much for a girl to ask?

I grinned to myself, thinking of that hour in his car and the hot minutes when I was squished in his lap. There were even bruises forming on my knees, and I relished every second of it.

Not feeling the least bit tired, I sat up again and grabbed my laptop and got to work, spilling all my thoughts and emotions onto the pages of my very first book. The first of many, I hoped.

Chapter 19


“I swear, one of these days I’m getting you a new chair for your office,” I said to Owen, rubbing my back as we stepped in the door of his incredible home.

We’d just spent three hours finally finishing up the midterm test in his office so we could distribute it between his classes before Thanksgiving break. Well, that and going over Ms. Grey’s papers. They were really good, so it looked like she was getting a second chance.

Owen stretched after slipping off his old man cardigan, and I smiled. He perpetuated this style of being an old man at school, as if it made him appear more literary and wise. But I always thought it was funny because in jeans and a t-shirt was when he really bloomed as an artist.

I went to him just as his back cracked in three places, making him moan in pleasure.

With a chuckle, I brushed my hand across his chest, still covered in a powder blue dress shirt.

“I’m oddly glad that Ms. Grey gets to stay in your class. We’ll just have to keep our eyes out for repeat offenses.”

He murmured an ‘mhm’ as his hand slid up my back, pulling me toward him.

“Can I tell you a secret?” I asked, completely changing topics before lifting to my toes so I could press a kiss to his perfect lips.

“Hm?” he hummed again in answer, his hand cupping my jaw as he lavished a few more feathery kisses across my lips.

“When we first met, in your office, when you took your shirt off right in front of me... Also, what kind of professor takes his shirt off in front of his student?”

He barked a laugh.

“I was running late for a class and I wasn’t thinking straight. Plus, I’d just burned the shit out of myself to boot.”
