Page 94 of Teach Me

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I bit my lips, recalling the sensation of his fingers trailing up my shirt and his hard body pressing into mine.

“Two hours is easy,” I said with a grin, then leaned in a bit closer. “You can’t leave me to go to bed alone with a lady boner, now, can you?”

His mouth curved into a smirk.

“No, we can’t have that,” he said before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

I grinned back at him then took three steps back and turned to join the boys in the kitchen.

They were already digging through the fridge for something to eat.

“So,” I drawled, making my way to the fridge, “Do you boys like spaghetti and meatballs?”

I happened to know that there was the fixin’s for exactly that in there because I’d brought them over only the day before because I’d wanted to make Owen something instead of him always cooking for me.

The youngest…Caden— That was his name, Caden! His eyes went all wide with excitement before he burst up in a jump and started dancing around.

“You cook?” Charlie asked, sounding skeptical.

“I do,” I agreed. “But spaghetti happens to be my specialty.”

He lifted his eyebrows and looked just like a miniature of his father right then.

The boys sat at the bar, and Owen leaned beside them while I bustled about to make dinner for the whole lot of them.

As I stirred up the meatballs with eggs, seasoning, and breadcrumbs, Owen had the boys get out their homework and the three of them worked on it together. Charlie was working on multiplication and Caden was practicing his phonics and spelling. Watching Owen sound out the more complicated words with Caden melted my freaking heart. He was so patient and proactive, encouraging him when he got something right or gently correcting when he wasn’t. Oh how my heart melted watching them.

When the meatballs were browned then braised in my homemade marinara sauce, I got the noodles strained until they were a jiggly mass of wiggles.

“Why do I have to do math?” Charlie whined, slapping his hand over his homework in frustration.

“Because math is the base of science,” Owen told him, messing his hair. “And science pays the bills. English majors are just wasting a degree.”

He looked up at me with a grin and a wink, but I scoffed at him.

Taking a noodle between my fingers, I lifted it, then tossed it toward him. It landed with an audible splat onto Owen’s forehead, then dropped down to the page he’d been looking at.

All conversation stilled and my eyes grew wide. My aim had been better than I’d meant for it to be. Caden started to giggle, his hand covering his mouth.

“Did you just—” Owen murmured, picking up the noodle slowly, staring at it.

Fast as The-freaking-Flash, Owen was around the island and digging his shoulder into my belly, hefting me up.

Both boys were laughing now.

“Give us a minute,” he said to his children. “Mia has to go to time out.”

I laughed, slapping Owen’s back as he made his way out of the room and to his office where he shut and locked the door, striding toward his desk. I’d barely caught my breath from laughing when he dropped me to the top of his desk, slipped between my knees and dropped his head to kiss me hard and fast.

“You’re incorrigible,” he murmured against my lips before slipping his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned, taking everything he’d give me.

“Better incorrigible than boring,” I whispered back, and that made him grin against my lips.

“I wish we had time for a real time out,” he complained, shoving his hands into my hair and fisting it before he let me go completely.

“You’ll just have to spank me before I go to bed,” I told him.
