Page 57 of Sir, Yes Sir

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“But I’m still empty, Ash. I’m empty and I’m throbbing, and I need a cock splitting me open or I’m going to fucking scream.”

His tongue flicked out against his lip, likely tasting me on his skin as those animal eyes grew dark again.

“I’m aching, Ash,” I breathed, lifting my hands to cup my own breasts with a dramatic moan. “You’ve left me desolate, and you remember what I said before, right?”

His eyes sank, catching on my hands as they squeezed my boobs.

“What?” he managed.

“If you hurt me, you need to kiss it better.”

His attention snapped back to my eyes as I did the one thing that would get a feral man to lose all sense and follow… I ran.

Ashton was stumbling after me in a second, his instinct to chase taking over whatever weird display of self-inflicted torture he’d been trying to enforce on himself.

My plan ended at his door, because I didn’t have keys. Obviously. Didn’t matter. He crushed me to said door and my head bonked back against it as his mouth took me completely.

His fingers curled around the back of my skull as he drew out my very soul through those kisses…and then he let me go.

“I need you to go home, Freya…”

“No,” I whimpered. “Ash, I need you.”

He just shook his head.

“No, you need time. So do I. Go home.”

That was the moment I realized that this was a battle I wasn’t going to win. Not tonight, anyway.

I kind of hated his Raider’s training at that moment. His self-control drove me fucking nuts, because I was going home alone, throbbing and empty and so, so needy.

“I hate you right now,” I hissed, taking one more kiss from his lips.

“Fair,” he agreed. “So do I.”

I huffed, but stepped away.

“Give me the keys. You can drive the Bird to work tomorrow.”

“They’re still in the ignition,” he told me, collapsing against his door while I walked away from him, refusing to turn around.

Standing by the driver’s seat, I finally looked back to see him standing there, looking casual in a relaxed military stance, hands crossed behind his back and feet spread apart as the bulge in his crotch practically begged me to come back for some TLC.

Lifting my hand, I turned it and gave him the finger, which made him laugh that rusty old, beautiful cackle as I took off.

The farther away I got, the more I realized that Ash was right. We needed some space away from the heady scent of my slick and his pheromones to really think things through.

Twenty-four hours. That was how long I’d give myself to think about it, and then when I’ve come to the conclusion that he was it, he’d never be able to send me away, ever again.

Chapter 17


Holy shit, she was absolutely named correct. She was irresistible, like the goddess of sex, fertility, and lust…but she just might be the death of me, too.

I’d managed to avoid her for the most part at work, only seeing her once from a distance as she left the lunch room and I hurried to the bathroom.

“If you hurt me, you need to kiss it better.”
