Page 130 of The Omega Princess

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I yanked Sinclair up off the bar and tossed him down toward the floor.

He caught himself on one of the stools next to the bar and hauled himself upright. His eyes were wild and his breath was coming in gasps, and he looked good. Fuck, he always looked good.

I advanced on him.

“Outside,” came the bartender’s bored voice.

I took Sinclair by the back of his shirt and dragged him along with me.

People in the bar parted as we made our way through the room, whispering to each other. I heard words like “princes” and “alpha” and both of our names. They parted to let us through but they filled in behind us, following us to the back door.

Phones were coming out. People were filming us.

We got to the back door and Sinclair wriggled out of my grasp, tearing his shirt.

He danced outside, backing into the alleyway, where there was a fence and some dumpsters and a gravel area where too many bar fights had been settled before this. He beckoned for me with one hand.

I stalked forward, toward him.

He gave me one of his grins, the grin that said he lived for this, for destruction.

Hell if I didn’t feel alive, too.

We circled each other.

“I’m not selfish,” I told him.

He snorted, flexing his hands, making fists and releasing them.

“Rohan’s pathetic is what it is,” I said. “Rohan doesn’t even see to his own actual needs. Rohan lets other people walk all over him. I’m never going to be like that.”

Sinclair feinted a punch at me.

I ducked, even though he hadn’t actually been attempting contact.

He jeered laughter at me. “Thing is, when Rohan made me submit to him, I knew he was doing it for me, not for himself.”

“Bullshit. No one does that.”

“You don’t know how to be an alpha,” said Sinclair. “So, I’m going to teach you.”

I laughed in his face.

He tackled me.

We went down in the gravel, him on top of me, and I felt it bite into my skin. I rolled us over. Now, I was on top of him.

He bucked under me, trying to get free.

I pinned him down, hand on his neck.

He dug his fingers into the soft skin under my ear.

I shrieked, because that wasn’t playing fair.

He brought up his leg between my legs, but not in a forceful way. It was a caress, grazing my cock, and now I was suddenly hard and knotted up.

I held him down in the gravel, rubbing my hardening cock into his thigh.
