Page 142 of The Omega Princess

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I stripped off my coat, running for them. “What the fuck?” I yelled, draping my coat around all three of them.

“It’s my fault,” said Sinclair, his voice shaking a little.

“It wasn’t this cold walking out here,” said Devlin, giving me a wry look.

“It’s fine,” said Eleri.

“Out,” I said. “Give her to me.”

Sinclair considered and then gave me a quick nod. “Devlin, look at me.”

Devlin met Sinclair’s eyes.

“Your knot’s deflating,” said Sinclair.

“Thank you, alpha,” said Devlin, but he sounded a little sarcastic.

I didn’t even know what was up with the two of them.

They detached from Eleri, who was giggling and naked, and deposited her in my arms. “Maguire,” she whispered, as if she hadn’t seen me in two years. She rubbed her face into my chest. She was freezing.

I glared at both of them. “What the fuck?” I said again and then I turned around and trudged through the snow, not waiting to see if they were following me or not.

But they were.

We all stepped onto the porch where Rohan was waiting for us.

Eleri beamed up at me. “I want you, Maguire. You’ll knot me and bite me, won’t you? I need my alphas, and I’m so empty.”

Shit. I hadn’t expected that to affect me the way it did. I turned to look at Devlin, because he was the person who kept me grounded when it came to the omega’s needs, but Devlin was out of his fucking head. He was out in the snow naked with Sinclair.

I barreled into the cabin, leaving all of them behind and took her back to the bathroom. This bathroom was huge. It had a tub big enough for seven enormous humans in one corner, steps leading up to it, and then a shower that took up another corner. The shower had floor-to-ceiling glass doors. Inside, there were five or six shower heads that rained down from the ceiling plus various handhelds along the sides. I set her down on the floor and started the shower. All of the shower heads came on at once, heat and steam beginning to fill the room.

She made a face. “Too hot in here,” she moaned.

“It’s not,” I said. “You’re very cold. They shouldn’t have taken you outside like that.”

I tested the shower. Maybe I should make it lukewarm. Did they say to start that way when warming someone up from being nearly frozen? I didn’t know, but I thought it would be better for her. I knew that when your skin was cold, warm temperatures could feel like they burned. I didn’t want to hurt her at all.

Rohan opened the door to the bathroom. “Hey. She all right?”

“Yeah, I’m going to get her warmed up,” I said.

“They’re going to need warmed up, too,” said Rohan. “It’s a big shower.”

I let out a sigh.

“You’re annoyed with them, but I’m sure they couldn’t help themselves,” said Rohan.

“You take care of the princes, then,” I said. “I’m going to take care of the omega.”

Rohan gave me a little salute. “Sounds good.” He winked at me. “Making a stronger play for pack leader than Devlin, maybe?”

What the hell? Devlin could take charge of me. Usually. Devlin might be having a nervous breakdown currently.

Or maybe it was heat.

Or maybe…
