Page 152 of The Omega Princess

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I laughed, pulling him even closer.


I WOKE UP with Eleri’s breasts pressed into my chest.

I felt a quick stab of panic, because the place where I’d bitten her wasn’t accessible. I pushed her over onto her back and found my mark, on her shoulder. I gave it several long licks and the sensation of that settled into me, calming me. I sighed, kissing her eyebrows.

She didn’t wake up at all.

She probably wouldn’t, not after being in heat. It had taken a lot out of her body to go through that, and it wasn’t uncommon for omegas to sleep a long time after heats.

I gave my mark a few more licks, just for good measure, and then I was about to settle back down when Devlin sat up on the other side of me.

“Where’s Maguire?” he said. “Where’s Sinclair?”

I tensed, worried something was wrong.

But then, at the same time, both of us caught their scents from the living room and then, the low rumble of conversation. They had things to work out. That was probably good.

I lay back down, sighing.

Devlin stayed sitting up. “Hey, uh, about that apology I gave you, Rohan.”

“Let’s not,” I said, shutting my eyes. “We’re good.”

“I want to,” he said. “You brushed it off, and you took blame you shouldn’t have.”

“No, no blame,” I said with a sigh, eyes still closed. “It’s not like that. It’s only that there were pieces missing with you and me. We were missing the other three, and now that they’re all here, everything makes better sense.” This was the new dynamic I’d thought we needed to create. I hadn’t known how to do it before, but that was because it wasn’t simply about him and me. It was about our entire pack and the way we all fit together.

“Well, yeah, and you were key with me and Sinclair. Just think, if we’d all figured that out earlier, think what kind of pack we could have already been.”

“Except we wouldn’t have been a pack,” I said. “Because until you found Eleri, you would have held some piece of yourself back due to thinking there was something wrong with you.”

He sighed. “Yeah, I guess you’re fucking right.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

He was gazing down at Eleri, his eyes full of tenderness and wonder. “How’d we get so lucky, huh, Rohan?” He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “She’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever touched. I got to bite her.” He bent down and ran his tongue over the mark he’d made on her neck. “I got to knot her and come inside all her holes. I got to share her with you and with Sinclair, and I found Maguire, too… I never thought I’d have anything this good.”

I smiled at him. “We’re lucky as all fuck, you’re right.”

“I’m only sorry for the way I was before this,” he said. “I’ve had this feeling my whole life, that I was destined for something unique and special. The arrogant thing is that I thought it was about me. But I realized it was about us, our pack. I think part of me started realizing it when I finally submitted to Sinclair, because I saw how I needed him to balance out elements of me. But then, when we all bit her, when we all became this, I felt it.”

“I felt it, too,” I whispered.

“We all felt it,” he said. “What we are together, it’s… everything.”

“Yes,” I said softly.

“So, all this time, when I’ve been wallowing and selfish, it’s been so stupid. I was an asshole—”

“You were in pain,” I said. “Pain makes all of us assholes. Me included.”

“No, I don’t know. You’re never an asshole.”

I laughed. “Oh, I can be an asshole. And if you haven’t noticed thus far, you will now. Now that we have a fucking life bond with each other, with the pack. With… fuck, can you, like, fathom that we’re both mated to this pretty little omega here?”

“She’s wonderful,” he said.
