Page 34 of The Omega Princess

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That was getting into my head subconsciously, so I was thinking he must be a bad boy, and there was something thrilling about that, that was all.

I kept telling myself to stop looking at him, to stop thinking about him, to shut this down. And the more I did that, the stronger my urges seemed to take hold.

Also, the press had decided that Sinclair and Devlin hated each other. They also said that Devlin and Rohan were fucking. That turned out to be true. So, maybe Devlin hated Sinclair, and if that was the case, I could not be fascinated with him.

Once, I looked up at Sinclair, who was nibbling his croissant, and he was looking at me. He held my gaze for a while, a challenge. He lowered the croissant, and he was smirking. His tongue darted out to get a crumb off of his lower lip, and it made my whole body go tight.

Rohan was suddenly there, his body in front of mine, blocking my view of Sinclair. “Omega,” he said in a low voice. “Up here.”

I raised my gaze to his, feeling ashamed and scolded. “I didn’t mean—”

“It’s not your fault. He’s…” Rohan made a face like something smelled bad. “You get over it once you get to know him, though.”

I cringed. “I don’t mean to—”

“It’s all right,” said Rohan. “You can’t help it. I get it. Luckily, Devlin’s too preoccupied with the Queen right now to notice.”

“Devlin won’t like it, will he?” I whispered.

“He won’t be angry with you,” Rohan reassured me. “I don’t know if it’s possible to be angry with you, omega.” He gave me a smile that made my pulse race. “But he will be hurt. If I can keep him from getting hurt, I like to try to do that.”

“I don’t want to hurt him!” I protested. I wondered why Devlin hated Sinclair. What had happened between them?

“No, no, of course you don’t,” said Rohan. “I can help if you’d like, but it’s a bit of a trespass against you, so I wouldn’t do it without your permission. I can give you a directive, alpha to omega—”

“Make me not attracted to him?” I was begging him.

“I don’t think that’s within the realm of any alpha’s abilities,” he said with a shake of his head. “I can make you stop looking at him.”

“Please,” I said.

“You sure?” he said. “It’ll last maybe an hour and then it will wear off, so it’s nothing permanent. But once we do this, it may strengthen things between us.”

“I don’t think Devlin will mind that,” I said.

His face twitched as if he disagreed. But he only said, “It’s about whether you’d mind.”

“No, I want to accept you,” I said. “He loves you and you two are… whatever you are. I’m new to all of this sharing business, and I’m unsure of it, but anything that would make us closer would be a good thing, I think?”

He seemed to hesitate. Eventually, though, he nodded. He reached down and took hold of my chin, lifting up my face so that we could easily gaze into each other’s eyes. I relaxed, and I felt him, the pressure of him, his alpha presence, wanting in. He was going to come in, and I could feel that, whether I let him or not. It would be nicer if I let him. So I did. I let him in. “Good omega,” he said, his voice soft. “Now, hear me and obey. You will not look at Sinclair Doyle.”

“I will not look at him,” I echoed.

“Good girl,” he breathed and released me.

I shook myself, trying to shake him out, but I couldn’t, because he was just in there, in me, and it was a little disconcerting.

He put a hand on my shoulder. “I should have explained it better. If you want it lifted—”

“It’s all right.” I looked up at him, smiling.

His fingers traced little patterns over my shoulder, and his touch made sparks burrow into my body and my nipples tightened and I felt loose between my legs.

He hummed. “Good omega.”

I angled my body toward his. I reached out to touch his chest, his stomach. I played with his tie.

“Don’t do that,” he said in a low voice. “I like it very much, but Devlin is watching. I don’t want him to know I did this to you. He’s very possessive of you.”

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