Page 55 of The Omega Princess

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As we were all lined up to go to our cars after the luncheon, she came over to Eleri and me. She gave Eleri a venomous look and told me to come with her.

I allowed her to pull me aside.

“You wouldn’t consider giving her to someone else to bite,” said the Queen.

My lips parted. I was horrified.

“Rohan, maybe,” said the Queen. “I’m sure he’d allow you access any time you liked, but you could bond some other omega, some omega with royal blood.”

“I can’t get a knot for another omega, Your Majesty,” I said. “Are you forgetting that?”

“You don’t need your cock to bite an omega,” said the Queen.

I drew back. An alpha and omega union without a knot? It wasn’t done. I shook my head slowly.

“Well, you can knot for an alpha,” she said. “If the alpha is present, you can get a knot. Then use it on the omega.”

“No,” I said, though this idea had obviously been brought up to me before, back when I thought of myself as a defective alpha who couldn’t knot for omegas. “No, she’s mine. I’ve been waiting for her and—”

“But she’s a disaster!” said the Queen. She walked off, fuming.

I went back to where I’d left Eleri.

Eleri was gone.



I WASN’T TRYING to run away, but I was going to start crying, and I didn’t want everyone to see. So, I did run. I was looking for a bathroom or just somewhere I could be alone. I turned a corner and went down a corridor, and there was Sinclair.

I stopped short.

He came over to me. “Sparrow. You look like you could use a cigarette.”

I didn’t smoke, except sometimes when I was drunk and didn’t mind the taste. Honestly, though, that sounded really good. “Yes, please,” I said.

He put his hand on the small of my back, and it went through me like a lightning bolt.

I glanced up at him, our gazes locking.

“Yeah,” he breathed. “It’s going to be like that with us. Scary as all fuck, huh? But might be a fun ride, too.” He guided me out of a door, onto a small patio. He moved over into one corner, tapping out a cigarette.

Here, we were inside the garden surrounding the house. There were tall shrubberies blocking us from the view of the road. No one could see us.

He got out another cigarette, put both of them in his mouth, and lit them both. Then he handed me a lit cigarette from his mouth.

I took it, no commentary on how it was exciting to be touching something that had touched his lips.

We smoked.

The cigarette did not taste good at all, but I managed to avoid coughing. After a few drags, though, I decided to just puff it instead of inhaling. Yuck.

Sinclair lounged against the railing of the fence around the patio, taking me in. “He’ll be looking for you.”

“You mean Devlin?”

“Who else could I mean?”
