Page 63 of The Omega Princess

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But then it was all gone, and he was lighting his cigarette, grinning that careless smile at Annie and me both, his dark curls in his eyes.

“You worry me, Davey-boy,” said Annie quietly. “I keep up with you, and I can’t help but wonder what it is you’re out there looking for.”

“Everything,” said Sinclair, waggling his eyebrows.

“You have everything,” said Annie.

“Right,” he said. “And all I want is more.”

“A big appetite,” she said, gesturing to the dishes on the table. “But if you’re never satisfied, what happens?”

“I guess you just order dessert,” he said.

“No!” I protested, shaking my head. “No, I couldn’t possibly eat dessert.”

He gave me a particularly wicked grin. “I got your dessert.”

My body went taut, and my nipples hardened. I wanted to taste him. Very much.

“Well, on that note…” said Annie dryly.

“Sorry,” he said, grinning up at her. “Thanks for everything.”

“Will you be staying overnight? In the old place?”

“Strong possibility,” he said, blowing out smoke.

“So, then, maybe I’ll see you for breakfast,” she said and tapped the table. “Take care, Davey-boy.”

“You too, Annie,” he said, giving her a fond smile.

Annie sauntered off, waving over her shoulder.

“Staying overnight?” I said.

“Well, you do want me to knot you, right?” said Sinclair.

My mouth was dry. “Yes, alpha,” I breathed.

He leaned across the table. “I’ve never been this hard in my entire fucking life.”

I swallowed.

“Let’s get out of here, sparrow.”


I OPENED THE door. I had been about to get up, but I was still only wearing my pajama pants.

Usually, when I got home after a shift, I’d go straight to bed, then I’d get up a few hours before I was supposed to be at work, to get ready, run errands if necessary, that sort of thing. It was the opposite of the way people usually did things—most often, people did their errands after work, not first thing upon waking. But I liked it this way, I’d found.

Of all the people I expected to find at the door, it was not two alpha princes. But immediately, I knew what this meant. I backed away from the door, my heart rate spiking. “What happened to her?”

“She’s with Sinclair,” said Devlin as they stepped inside my apartment.

I left them there to go into my bedroom. I opened the closet, pulling out my uniform. “That’s a bad thing, I assume. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

“We just don’t know where he went,” said Devlin from the doorway. “We looked at this club where he usually goes, but he wasn’t there. Then we went by his place, but he wasn’t there either.”
