Page 98 of The Omega Princess

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Devlin shrugged. “We can bite her, though.”

“Yes, I think that should be fine,” said the Queen. “And then we can leave the wedding for months or even a year, if necessary.”

I noticed Devlin had said “we” twice there. I knew he was nominally in favor of Eleri having bites from all of us, but the conversation we’d had in the hallway and the way he’d thrown out that Eleri’s pussy was his “property” this morning told me that he wasn’t really accepting of it, not deep down, not yet, I didn’t think.

I thought he was going to get there, but it would be easier if he’d talk to us about it.

Maybe Eleri would help him out with that.

“Finally,” said Devlin, grinning at Eleri.

She smiled back and she turned to me to include me, too.

My whole body reacted to the idea of bonding her. I felt a little bit floaty at the idea of it. We’d come too close last night, of course. I realized that nothing, not a directive from Devlin, not my own conscience, was really enough to restrain me if I was sufficiently out of control. The fact that I’d pulled myself together was nothing short of a miracle. I would not be doing that again, not being with her alone.

The Queen dismissed us, and I was in the process of leaving the palace when one of the housekeepers stopped me to say that I had a room in the wing with Eleri and Devlin now and that all of my things were being brought over from my apartment.

Because of course the palace would behave that quickly, taking control of my life like that.

I wasn’t pleased.

Had anyone asked me if I wanted to live here? Maybe I wanted to stay in my own apartment and maintain my own life.

I wallowed in that for several minutes before realizing that it was impossible. If I wanted Eleri, this was part of the package. I had to give up having a private life. And I couldn’t live without Eleri.

So, I made my way up to their wing, where Eleri was waiting for me in my room as people were bringing in boxes from my apartment.

“I just heard you’ll be staying here with us!” she said. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

Her excitement was infectious.

“Yes, princess,” I said. “Anything to be closer to you.”



I OPENED THE door to my room to find Devlin standing there.

“Hey,” he said, giving me a grin that lit up his face. Fuck, he was a handsome man. Fuck, I was in love with him. “I asked the Queen to let me give you the news.”

“What news?” I said.

“Can I come in?” he said.

I stepped away from the door and let him into the room.

The minute he was inside, he scented Sinclair, and I saw the knowledge of it go through him. His face drained of color.


“Where is he?” said Devlin in a gravelly voice.

“Not here right now,” I said. “He’s, uh, skittish. You probably know that from when the two of you were together. He’s also got a problem with pills and we need the omega to tell him to quit that shit, because it worked for the cigarettes. Although I will say, he’s been grumpy as fuck cold turkey off the nicotine.”

“You’re fucking him.” Devlin’s voice cracked.

“I’m good for him,” I said gently. “He submits to me. He’s good for me, as far as that goes. I never felt so needed before. A guy could get hooked on it.” I shut the door behind Devlin. “Hey, don’t be mad, and don’t be jealous. You don’t have a leg to stand on, sleeping in the omega’s bed every night and not even inviting me for a taste of that, when you know now that she wants me, too.”
