Page 25 of Destined for Him

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I rest against the wall, my arms crossed as Kevin unlocks the door and waves me in.

He won’t even look at me.

“Drink?” I call out, making my way into the kitchen as Kevin drops his keys onto the side with a sigh.


“Whiskey, okay?” I call out, knowing full well it is.

He’s out of ice, and lemonade for that matter, so I add a splash of water into the glasses before walking back to meet his gaze, which is now boring into me.


Kevin narrows his eyes and drags his fingers over his face, looking pissed.

“You know this is inappropriate.”

I roll my eyes and sip my drink, walking closer to hand him his.

“Will you stop? We’re two people having a drink. That’s all.”

Kevin arches a brow.

“That’s not all, and you know it,” he growls, putting his drink beside his keys. “Stop playing.”

I sip my drink with a coy smile as he glares at me.


“Fucking hell, Shelby,” Kevin mutters, throwing his hands in the air. “I’m going to bed. You can sleep in Ivy’s room. I’ve had enough shit for tonight.”

Uh-oh, he’s back to being stiff again.

“Hey,” I call after him, following him upstairs. “You behaved like an asshole tonight to that guy, Tommy. Why?”

He doesn’t answer me and goes into his room, slamming the door behind him.

I hesitate, glancing toward my best friend’s old room, and wonder whether to leave him.

But dammit, I asked him a question!

Just as I’m about to stride forward and bang on his door, my phone rings from my bag, alerting me to a call.

“Hello?” I snap, still glaring at Kevin’s door.

“Where the fuck are you?” Finlay demands, and I grit my teeth.

I’m in no mood for his shit, not now, not tomorrow—not ever.

“What? Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?!”

Finlay sighs before restructuring his words more politely.

“Where are you, Shelby?”


I can’t tell him I’m at Kevin’s house.
