Page 68 of Destined for Him

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I'll cut off his dick and make him choke on it.


"Pauline was beaten and abused," Griffin says, heaving a sigh. "She's in a bad way; the doctors think she'll make a full recovery, but…."


Griffin nods, staring at the closed door. His eyes look haunted, and guilt creeps up my back like a spy.

"I'm sorry I made you go, Griff. I wasn't close enough."

Griffin frowns and shakes his head.

"No, don't apologize, Kevin. You know I'd do anything for Shelby."

Even now, despite everything, his words make me jealous. Possessive.

I'm sick.

"Thank you," I say hoarsely. "So Shelby isn't injured?"

Griffin shakes his head; no.

"I think she's shaken up and worried about Pauline, but that's all. She's a strong cookie."

He grins at me and then watches as I reach for the door handle.

"Go home, Griffin," I say, watching as he yawns. "We're too old to play heroes, man."

Griffin nods and goes to say something but hesitates.

I know what he will say, but I can't do this with him right now.

I need to be with Shelby.

My heart aches for her in a way I didn't think was possible.

I thought you only loved fiercely once.

"Go home," I say, ignoring his deep gaze. "I'll call you later, I swear."

"You know you can stay with us, right?" Griffin says gruffly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I nod, then imagine taking this shit to my heavily pregnant daughter's door.

No way.

"They can stay with me. I know it's not the city…." My words fade as the door opens, and Shelby reaches out for my hand, her eyes swirling with emotion.

She doesn't have to say anything, but I know she needs me.

And fuck, I need her.

"I'll see you later," Griffin says, giving Shelby a big grin. "You too, sweetheart. Your mom will be okay. Remember what the doctor said."

He squeezes her other hand before leaving, turning the head of every female he passes.

Some things never change.
