Page 11 of Shadow Mate

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Donny left, and before he could close the door behind him, Adriana had made a flicking motion with her index finger and slammed the door shut.

“That is the last of your parlor tricks, Adriana. I meant what I said. I will not have you threatening or terrorizing my people.”

“You are not my alpha,” she said quietly.

“I am while you are here. If that’s a problem for you, I can see if Cullen Manchester can find a place for you at Ghost Moon Manor. His mate is also a witch with a lineage she can trace back to the Salem witch trials.”

“Most of those condemned were not witches.”

“No. I suspect the true witches saw the trouble coming and got themselves out of harm’s way. Would you like me to call Cullen, or do you think you can behave?”

“I suppose this place is as good as any. How long will I be here?”

“Quite honestly the first I heard about you or the problem with Strode was just this morning. I’ve asked Hamish to reach out to Caye and set up a meeting with Brie. You are free to roam around the manor buildings on the property. Because we don’t yet know all of Strode’s capabilities, I would ask that you take an escort with you if you choose to wander away from the main compound.”

“So, I am your prisoner?”

“Hardly. Were you my prisoner and behaving so rudely, I’d have you locked in my dungeon.”

For the first time she smiled. It changed her face entirely. “Do you really have a dungeon?”

Colby chuckled. “I do. The manor has been here for a long time. I suspect the ancestors of those who came before me used it as something more than an oddity or place to hold a haunted house.”

Suddenly her face clouded over. “I’m sorry. I will apologize to Donny. He was the only one I teased, but he had it coming.”

“Doubtful. I have known him his whole life. He may seem intimidating, and there is no doubting his size or strength, but if he said something to offend you, I can assure you it was just out of curiosity. You would be hard-pressed to find a kinder soul.”

“Sorry. I got used to not trusting anyone, and people get weird about my being a witch.”

“Whatever you’ve been through must have been frightening for you. But the Sisters brought you here because they know we can and will keep you safe…”

“Apophis…” she started.

“Strode. The dragon-shifter is Abraham Strode. He may be old, but I have friends in the Phantom Fire—they are far older and far more powerful.” Colby leaned down and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We will keep you safe. I give you my word.”

“And what shall I do for you, Alpha?” she said allowing the lilt of her Irish accent to become more pronounced.

“Any chance you can cast a spell on my fated mate so that she will accept that her life is here with me?”

“I don’t think it’s a spell you need. You should be able to conjure the green-eyed monster all by yourself.”

Colby eyed her speculatively. She was playing games, but he sensed she meant none of them any harm. He was confused but chose not to press. He did, however, wonder if it might be that easy to bring Brie around. He’d never given her cause to question his fidelity. Could simple jealousy be the key to making her see they were meant to be?



“Oh, you are so not going to like this,” said Caye over the satellite phones they used.

“Well, that’s not the message I want to wake up to first thing in the morning,” Brie replied, stretching in her bed but not getting up. “What’s happened?”

“I spoke with Hamish—you know Colby’s beta…”

“I know who Hamish is. I liked it a lot more when Winter served as his second-in-command.”

“I know, but Hamish is a good guy, and frankly we’re probably not only going to need the help of Windsong, but the Resistance.”

Brie sat up, coming fully awake. “It’s Adriana Mulroney, isn’t it?”
