Page 13 of Shadow Mate

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“Because she’s gorgeous. Because she is the kind of classy mate he needs.”

“Oh my god, are you telling me you were jealous of Winter?”

“Well, wouldn’t you be?”

“Hell, no. You should ask Colby some time if he was ever sexually attracted to Winter. My guess is he’ll make a face and look like he wants to throw up.”


“Truth. I watched them interact. He was about as interested in Winter sexually as he is in Hamish.”

That made Brie laugh. “You’re wrong about Winter, but the idea of Colby being sexually attracted to Hamish is, I must admit, comical. Make the arrangements. Maybe if nothing else, I can help Colby reconcile with his sister.”


“What do you know?” asked Brie suspiciously.

“Just a feeling I have.”

“Do you still see me standing on the windswept moors?”

“I do, and they aren’t snow covered. I’m telling you Brie, my mother had the gift of foresight. I don’t have it as strong, but when I picture you in my mind’s eye, I see you standing on a craggy coastline without a snow drift in sight. Your destiny lies not in Alaska…”

“Told you…”

“But not in the Olympics, either.” Caye let the statement hang in the air between them.

Caye had always seen Brie on a windswept coast. No amount of cajoling or reasoning would shake her belief. Brie shook her head. Who knew? Perhaps Caye knew something she didn’t.

Colby had offered to have his jet pick her up somewhere closer to her home than SeaTac; Brie had declined. She’d wanted to take a commercial jet but decided that was a bit like cutting off her nose to spite her face. Colby had a jet and was more than willing to let her use it. Every dime she didn’t spend on herself, she could spend on her life’s work. She would never admit as much to anyone else, but there were times she longed for a more ‘normal’ existence in a small house—perhaps on a rocky coastline—where she didn’t have to be totally self-sustaining and could live a more ‘normal’ life.

She arranged for a ride to pick her up from a different ferry terminal and drive her to the airport, dropping her off at the entrance for the private jets.

“Ms. Hawthorne? Mr. Reynolds’ plane is waiting. May I take your bag?” he asked, nodding toward the small weekend bag she had with her.

“No. I’m good. I have some work to do, and my laptop is in my bag.”

“I’m sure the communications system on board could accommodate you…”

“I’m sure you’re right, but I prefer to keep my things with me.”

“As you wish,” he said, stepping back and ushering her to the jet.

Colby had stocked the jet with some of Brie’s favorite refreshments. And so it begins, she thought as the plane taxied down the runway and lifted off, heading to Windsong.

As she had suspected, Colby was waiting for her when she landed. What she hadn’t expected was the presence of his younger sister, Kyra. Seeing her old friend looking very healthy and happy lifted her spirits immensely but brought home the fact that Brie would most likely never have the same happily ever after that Kyra had carved out for herself.

“Brie!” Kyra cried, running to meet her.

“Kyra!” Brie wrapped her arms around her in a big hug. “Where’s Scott?”

“Maya snagged him as soon as we got here. She’s been trying to perfect one of his recipes and seems to think he has some magic secret. I hate to tell her this, but mostly he makes things up as he goes along.”

“You look well—really happy.”

“I am. We are. Not sure what knucklehead here is up to,” Kyra said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder to indicate Colby, “but whatever it is, Annie will be here this afternoon with Deke, and between the three of us, we should be able to keep him in line.”

“Impugning my character again?” Colby asked as he joined them.
