Page 23 of Shadow Mate

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“Colby, please,” she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper.

His low growl rumbled deep within his chest in response to her sweet request. With deft hands, he lifted her hips, changing the angle and hitting that sweet spot that made her gasp in pleasure.

“Yes,” she breathed, her nails raking his back and clutching at him as if to keep from falling.

Colby rode her harder, setting a relentless rhythm that sent wave after wave of pleasure to flood her senses. He slid a hand between them, circling her clit with his fingers in rhythm with his thrusts as the world around him seemed to disappear, and he was thrown from this dimension into the next where only the two of them existed. The pleasure he derived from her was monumental, and he could feel himself on the brink of orgasmic heaven.

He grunted and groaned in her ear; her body responded by coiling tightly around him. He had to fight for his pleasure, as did she. Her nails dug further into the hard planes of his back as she started to unravel beneath him, her body trembling from the onslaught of pleasure. He tightened his grip on her, his other hand moving to cradle the back of her head as he buried himself deeper, hitting that sweet spot once again.

Brie called his name as she came, and Colby’s world shattered as his own orgasm rolled through him, his vision blurring. Her body convulsed beneath him, her pussy clamping down as he slammed into her a final time. His body stilled as he gave her his weight and emptied himself deep inside her.

There was nothing for him without her. If he was going to win her in the end, he would need to play the long game. She was made for him, and he would never let her go.



She lay beneath him, relishing the weight and warmth of his body, hating herself for not only giving in to him again, but for not despising him.

She pushed at him. “Get off me,” she seethed.

He raised his head, hurt flashing in his eyes before giving way to anger. “What?”

“You heard me. Get off me.” She shoved at him again and tried to wriggle her way out.

“No,” he said, trapping her. “How can you say that to me?”

“Because I want you to get off,” she said, pushing him with all of her might and managing to dislodge him so that she could roll away from him. She got quickly to her feet and stared down at him. “This changes nothing.”

“It doesn’t have to change anything because you already know the truth. Damn it, Brie; this two steps forward and one step back thing is getting old.”

“Then maybe we should just call it a day. Maybe from now on you should just deal with Caye. What we have is nothing but chemistry…”

“It’s more than that, and you know it. We are fated mates.”

“Which is nothing more than a mix of pheromones, myth, and justification for men to do what they want. Do you not understand that the vast majority of the women we save have been told they’re some bastard’s fated mate?” She shook her head and stomped her foot. “I’m not having it. Do you hear me? Not. Having. It.”

Brie spun and shifted in the same moment, leaving Colby to try and grasp her elusive self. She bounded away, wincing inwardly as she heard him call to her in a long, wailing mating call. She knew she was being unfair. He shouldn’t have to settle for the crumbs she tossed him. If she was willing to admit it to herself, he deserved more, and yet the idea that he might someday choose another gutted her. It wasn’t fair, and she knew it. But she couldn’t seem to help herself.

Brie ran farther and longer than she could remember in recent memory. So often, she didn’t have the time to indulge in a long run, but when she made the time, she always found a kind of peace in doing so. Realizing that this time she would find no solace in running in her lynx form, she headed back to the manor house. She bolted past Colby to get to the women's locker room. When she shifted, she stood under the shower for the longest time, hoping he would get tired of waiting. As she emerged from the changing area, she was not really surprised to see him standing in the hall, lounging against the wall.

“Why can’t you leave me alone?” she asked softly.

“Because I can feel your turmoil. As your fated mate, my job is to help you with that. While the sex up in the woods was amazing, I also realize that while it helped to soothe me, I fear if I helped you at all, it was only fleeting. Then any good it did was undone when you beat yourself up for giving in to what you call weakness.”

He knows me so well.

He continued. “We need to set that aside. We need to figure out how best to help Adriana, and I think I have a plan, but I want to talk to you about it and get your input before I show it to the others.”

“I meant what I said, Colby; I think it’s best if you work with Caye.”

“Caye isn’t here, and you are. If this is going to work, we need to get started and the sooner the better. Would I like it if you capitulated to the inevitable and surrendered yourself to me? Of course I would. I’ve made that clear, but I also know I need to put my own selfish needs to the side and focus on getting Adriana to safety.”

“Does it occur to you that we’re taking a lot of things on faith?”

“What do you mean?” he said, standing up straight.

“We were so concerned about keeping her away from Strode, that we, the Shadow Sisters, didn’t do a lot of vetting. I don’t know that I really doubt her, but…”
