Page 8 of Shadow Mate

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She raked his back with her nails, causing him to groan in an erotic response to her scoring his flesh. Her body rushed towards another powerful orgasm, and she cried out as her pussy clamped down on him, spasming along his length. His mouth captured hers, swallowing down her cries.

Brie hadn’t expected his own release to hit him as hard as it appeared to as he pounded into her, before giving a final, brutal thrust that drove his cock to the end of her sheath as he poured himself into her. He collapsed on top of her, nestling into her neck before he rolled to his back, dragging her with him.

Twice more during the night he reached for her. Twice more she succumbed to his mating call and surrendered herself to him. But as the first pale rays of light began to pierce the dense fog rolling in off the water, Brie knew it was time to go. She slipped from his bed and managed to get dressed without waking him.

A good operative always assessed any room they were in for a means of escape, and Brie was among the best. Checking the window for alarms, she disarmed the one she found, shaking her head. It had been fairly obvious that it was there. He couldn’t have expected someone with her experience to miss it, could he? She climbed out onto the roof and made her way to the ground without being seen. She looked back once at the window from which she’d escaped and then was gone before he’d ever known she was no longer beside him.

Olympic Mountains

Christmas Day

There were times when being the leader of the Shadow Sisters, righting wrongs, protecting innocents, and just generally being a badass for good wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Today was one of those times. The man she knew to be her fated mate slept in a large Victorian brass bed in an elegant hotel, completely sated, supremely confident, and about to be utterly destroyed.

That she was the architect of that destruction was something she had accepted a long time ago. It wasn’t that she had set out to destroy him; it was just that she couldn’t indulge her deepest romantic fantasies until her work was done—and she was a long way from being done. Colby would survive, but he was not going to be happy to find her gone. In fact, she’d been more than careful when returning to her home. Colby was every bit her equal in tracking those he needed to find, and right about now, he was cursing her name, thinking she had played him, but she hadn’t. What she had done was indulge herself one last time. It wouldn’t be fair to him to continue this dance they’d been doing for years.

In a world where humans reigned supreme, it was tough enough being a female Canadian lynx-shifter. The resurgent Shadow League, a group of assassins supposedly controlled by the Ruling Council, but whom both she and Colby suspected were being led by someone else, had begun to focus on a specific agenda. At this point the leading contender for their puppet master was Abraham Strode—an ancient dragon-shifter. What Strode was up to was anyone’s guess, but he had his own nefarious purposes. Both the Resistance and the Shadow Sisters had been forced out of the shadows. Brie had long been the leader of the group of female shifters who were often referred to as ‘rogue.’

Right now, Brie’s most vexing problem was her belief—which grew stronger each day—that the League had a far darker purpose than anyone imagined and answered to a master no one even knew existed. It might be Strode, but she wasn’t entirely convinced of that. If it wasn’t true, then someone unknown was playing a far deeper and possibly darker game. The problem was there was no way to prove that, so for now Strode and the League itself were the targets for their clandestine operations.

As she waited for Caye to arrive, she said her own silent farewell to Colby, her fated mate and the man she would never see again.

“I’d offer a penny for your thoughts, but they look far more valuable than that,” said Caye, startling Brie.

“Please tell me you shimmered to get here.” Brie couldn’t help but berate herself. Either she’d been so self-absorbed that Caye had snuck up on her or it still rattled her when her beta moved between worlds and seemed to appear out of and disappear into thin air.

“You seemed more concerned than usual about the security of your home. I thought it prudent to ensure no one saw me. Are you okay? You seem more rattled than usual by Reynolds.”

“I am not rattled,” Brie snarled and then relented. “Sorry.”

Caye laid her hand on Brie’s arm. “I wish I could do something to make it better for you.”

“I know you would if you could. So, do we have news of Gemma?”

Caye shook her head. “Apparently, she got to the train, had another change of heart and headed for Scotland. Winter Campbell took her in, and she’s safe with the snow leopards. Did you know Winter is beta to that clan?”

“That shouldn’t be surprising, as she was Colby’s, as well. From all I ever saw or heard, she was an exceptional beta. Somehow, I don’t think you’d have come all this way just to give me an update on Gemma. Let’s go inside. I’ll make you a cup of coffee.”

Once she had Caye inside and ensconced on the sofa with a mug of brutally dark coffee, Brie asked. “So, what really brings you up here to the cold?”

“Seriously, do you have to live in the ice and snow?”

“You’re a hellhound. You like fire and brimstone.”

“I like my environment like I like my men—hot, hard, and difficult for others to enjoy.”

Brie laughed. One thing about Caye—she could always make Brie laugh. “What’s up?”

“You’ve heard about Salem, the wolf-shifter/witch hybrid up in Alaska? Everyone thought she was the only one.”

“Given that witches don’t like shifters, it isn’t all that surprising.”

“Agreed. The problem is, we were wrong. Turns out there is another up in Ireland. Her name is Adriana Mulroney. Strode was desperate to get his hands on her. He believes that she is now his only way to fulfill the prophecy and seems to think that prophecy is crucial to his success. The situation came to a head, and we were able to get her out. We had no place to take her, so we took her to Windsong.”

Brie closed her eyes and groaned. “Shit, bugger, and damn,” she snarled. “That’s perfect, just fucking perfect.”



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