Page 18 of Up in Flames

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I'm so blessed to have someone like Adonis in my life. He understands me more than anyone else, and I found a home in his arms. I can’t help but smile as I watch him, my heart swelling with love for him. His presence is so comforting.

We talk about our days, and I ask him about his recovery. He's making improvements. Although he is still in some pain, he is determined to get better, and I admire his strength and resilience.

Adonis smiled, looking into my eyes in a way that made my heart flutter and my breath quicken. I could feel my face turning red, my mind spinning in a million different directions as I tried to contain my emotions.

"So, do you wanna go to dinner tomorrow?" he says, breaking the comfortable silence.

Our first real date.

"Yes… a real one.”

Adonis smiles, our eyes meeting once again. "Well then beautiful, I will see you at seven sharp tomorrow."



What should I wear for my first date with Raven? Is this too casual? Too formal? Will she even like it?

As I stare at my closet, my stomach is in knots. The simple task of getting dressed has become a struggle. Do I go for something safe or something bold? My eyes drift over to the black jeans and blue button-up shirt. Even after all this time, I'm still scared to take this step – to let myself be happy. I try on shirt after shirt, but nothing seems to fit me right. Finally, I choose the blue shirt and black jeans, hoping that it will be enough to give me the courage to make this night unforgettable.

My heart is pounding and my palms are getting sweaty. I'm scared and nervous, but I'm also excited. I'm taking a chance on Raven, and she's taking a chance on me. Fear is overwhelming me, but if I take this plunge, it could be worth it in the end.

I grab my keys and head to her place. You can do this. Please don't let this be a disaster. When I pull up to her place, I go up the steps to her apartment. When she opens the door, I am met with her beaming smile and my heart skips a beat. She steps out in a vibrant red dress that clings to her curves and I gawk.

"You ready?" I ask, wishing I can freeze the moment.

She steps out and shuts the door behind her. I pull myself together and offer my arm, which she accepts gracefully. We descend the stairs to my car, the air between us so charged it is almost tangible. When we reach the car, I open the door for her and watch as she nestles into the seat, pulling a small purse into her lap.

"So," she asked, "where are we going?"

"White Camino," I replied, eagerly starting the engine.

It's a little bit of a drive, but nothing in Grapevine is up to the caliber that Raven deserves on a first date. So, this is the closest place that is upscale. When I pull out of the parking lot, she grabs my hand and puts it in her lap. This girl is dangerous. How does she expect me to keep my eyes on the road? The thoughts of the red dress slipping off her body come to mind. I know we are taking things slow, but it's hard when she looks that beautiful.

The road curls away from Grapevine, Texas, and the taillights of the cars that pass blend together in a long red ribbon. The drive seems to stretch for miles, and every turn brings us closer to the restaurant. I pull into the parking lot of the upscale eatery.

I get out and take a minute to compose myself. She is the first girl I have been out with since Britney's passing. Raven has had a way of getting me to come out of shell, and instead of fighting against her, it's time to embrace it. She makes me want to be a better man, the kind of man she deserves.

I rush around to let Raven out. A gentleman opens the door for their girl.

"Thank you," she says, trying to hide a smile.

I don't know much about her last relationship, but from her reactions, it's safe to assume he never did these things for her.

Raven and I step through the restaurant doors, and a warm welcome greets us. The lighting is subdued and romantic, with a scattering of flickering candles across the tables. A gentle acoustic guitar melody plays in the background, and Raven's eyes light up as she takes in the cozy atmosphere. She bites her lip and smiles.

"Only the best for you."

We settle into our booth at the restaurant. She leans in close, and a cascade of fruity and floral notes fill the air. I look down into her deep blue eyes. I fight the urge to take her in my arms and kiss her right now. She's killing me.

The night flies by in a flurry of laughter and stories. We share secrets and old memories while the moon shifts slowly in the sky, and the hours slip away without us noticing. Every time one of us pause, we fill the silence with a new anecdote or joke.

I regale her with tales of my grumpiest boss, and she shares funny stories from her childhood. We both order the same entrée, and I watch with interest as she tries to pick out each ingredient. I notice the way she smiles when I offer to taste a bite, and how she blushes when I compliment her. Dinner feels like it lasts a lifetime, despite the time flying by. There is an easy rhythm between us, as if we have known each other for years.

After dinner, we take a stroll around the town, our hands intertwined. The streets are quiet, and it's like we are the only ones in the world. There is something so comforting and sweet in the moment, and it makes me smile.

We start off by talking about the time when I was in third grade, and I was so desperate to fit in with the cool kids that I wore a hat to school that was four sizes too big. When I walked into the classroom, everyone started laughing and pointing at me, and I was so embarrassed that I ran out of the room and locked myself in the bathroom.

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