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But right now, it’s just making me mad.

“Well, the only reason I say that is because he’s full of himself. He’s so… imagine the self-important quarterback of the high school football team. He’s like that guy but a lot smaller.”

I clench my jaw, unable to stop the annoying words coming out of her mouth.

My grip on my phone now borders on tight frustration. I try to calm my racing thoughts, reminding myself that I should give Breanna the benefit of the doubt. She's just talking to a friend, and everyone needs to vent about their boss once in a while. Still, the image of her casually lounging in my backyard earning money from me while discussing just how terrible I am irks me more than it should.

Why does her opinion even matter to me?

As I continue to eavesdrop, the conversation takes an unexpected turn. Breanna starts discussing something more personal, something that feels like a betrayal. "I agree with you. Going out would help me relax.”

She laughs, pausing in her conversation as Jaxon runs up to her with a dump truck, making lots of beeps. She makes a vroom sound and rolls the dump truck back and forth. Jaxon runs off to grab another one.

“You’re right. I wish I could meet you out there, but you’re too far away.”

My heart clenches at the casual suggestion of spending time with someone else. Who is this someone else? I try to rationalize it, telling myself that maybe she's just seeking friendship, like she has any right to do. But deep down, a seed of mistrust is planted, and it grows with every passing word.

Angry that Breanna is replacing any attraction she felt for me so quickly and easily, I decide that I’ll show her exactly how little I need her.

Breanna glances at her phone. She seems to realize what time it is, and that I’m supposed to be home in fifteen minutes. "Oh, gotta go. Jaxon and I are going to play trucks now.”

She hangs up and moves further away from the camera lens, kneeling next to a mud pit that Jaxon uses as a construction area.

I take a deep breath, decision made. I will show Breanna just how little I need her. I pull out my phone and make a call of my own.

The evening air is thick with tension as I pull into the driveway, my heart already pounding. I can see the soft glow of lights from the living room through the windows, casting a warm hue on the driveway before I pull into the garage.

My heart pounds, torn between confronting Breanna about what I overheard and proving a point. I can just see myself storming in there and the shock on her face as she realizes that I overheard everything. I know how badly she needs this job. How would she react if I threaten to fire her for not paying enough attention to my son?

Taking a deep breath, I open the car door and step into the dimly lit interior of my home.

The familiar sounds of Jaxon's laughter and the distant hum of the television greet me as I make my way towards the living room. Breanna is sitting on the couch, engrossed in a children's show with Jaxon by her side. The moment they notice my presence, Jaxon’s face lights up.

"Hey, Daddy!" Jaxon exclaims, rushing towards me with open arms.

I scoop him up, showering him with a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hey, buddy! Miss me?"

He nods enthusiastically, his innocent eyes filled with joy. He starts blabbering about some activity he and Breanna did, and I try to focus, nodding along.

Breanna smiles at the interaction, rising from the couch and grabbing her sweatshirt from the arm of it, oblivious to the annoyance brewing within me.

This is it. If I’m going to scold her for having personal conversations during work time, especially conversations dissing me, then now is my chance.

Jaxon hops out of my arms, though, and grabs my hand, pulling me closer to the couch where he had been sitting with Breanna.

That inadvertently pulls me closer to Breanna. Jaxon hops back onto the sofa and pats the cushion beside himself. But then, he becomes interested in the show again without noticing whether I sit down or not.

"Hi," I greet Breanna, forcing a smile. "How was your day?" I should act cordially to her. No matter my personal feelings about her, she is taking care of Jaxon.

"Good, good," she replies, her attention still on Jaxon. "We had a great time outside today. The weather was amazing.”

"That's nice," I say, my gaze lingering on her for a moment before I break eye contact, trying to ignore the attraction I suddenly feel.

I push away the desire to grab her and kiss her and take her up to my bedroom. I can’t allow myself to feel that way about me. She has no respect for me, and it would never… it’s just not meant to be. I check the clock over the oven. I know how to make Breanna realize how out-of-charge she is. She just has to wait approximately two more minutes.

I stall her with a little more conversation. “Did Jaxon eat well today?”

“Oh, yeah, no worries there. For lunch, he had spaghetti. He ate at least five meatballs. Then, for snack, just two hours ago, he had cheese and animal crackers.” She shrugs. “Weird combination, but he said it’s his favorite snack.”

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