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“You know my name, but I don’t know yours.” Harrison leans forward, his eyes directly on my face once again. He has a sort of talent for making me feel like I'm the only person in the room. I am objective enough to acknowledge the fact that I’m certainly not the most beautiful person in the room, But his gaze makes me feel like it.

I try to send the same vibes back to him. He’s stunning, and he already knows it. But he doesn’t seem to care about my obvious flattery, so… I haven’t struck out yet.

“Breanna,” I tell him. “Breanna and Harrison make Breison or Harrianna.”

Harrison laughs, and I can tell a little bit of his outward veneer slips for just a moment to let me see the real him. “That may be the worst couple name I’ve ever heard. Like a harry girl.” He shakes his head, but I can tell that I’ve interested him with my lame joke.

Harrison nods back to the royal blue sofa that sits against the back wall of his booth. “Let’s sit.”

I accept his invitation and settle next to him, close enough to suggest that I’m interested but not so close that I’m smothering.

Harrison takes a big swig of his drink then sets it on the miniature, circular table in front of us. He studies me again. “Where are you from? I think I hear a little of a northern accent.”

“I went to NYU. I picked up some of the phrases and accent. My parents said that was unfortunate.”

Harrison laughs, and his eye contact is starting to feel penetrating. I feel like he can see the real me under the overconfident front I’m putting on. If he keeps chipping away at me, then he might see who I really am underneath. And that’s extremely frightening.

I turn the attention back to him. People always love to talk about themselves. People who aren’t in my situation, anyway.

“And what about you? Are you born and raised here?”

Harrison shakes his head. “You can’t really spread your wings if you stay in the same town your whole life. People will always remember you as a chubby toddler, and well…” Harrison runs a hand down his body. “I can’t have people thinking of me like that.”

“I can understand how that would be difficult.” Even bringing up the idea of a toddler has distracted me from my flirting. I can almost see Harrison’s face transforming before me, becoming something chubby and wide-eyed.

I look away for a moment, my gaze trailing across those who are throwing themselves into the music in the middle of the club. The beat thumps heavily through the room, making the floor vibrate just a little.

Harrison must take my diverted gaze as disinterest. He lays a hand on my upper thigh, and that draws my attention back to him immediately.

“Conversation isn’t necessary,” he says, his eyes burning into mine. My body tingles as I realize exactly what he’s proposing. I allow myself a quick flash of him pressing his body up against me, my hands exploring the muscles and smooth skin I’m sure his clothes are hiding.

Then, he would kiss me hard until I’m begging him to…

But that’s not why I’m here.

Not solely anyway.

“Actually,” I say, grabbing his hand and moving it an inch or two higher to show that sex isn’t off the table. “I saw you, and I knew I had to come talk to you. But… I have a proposal for you first.” I might as well get straight to it.

“A proposal? Wow! I don’t think I’ve actually been proposed to in less than an hour before. You’re setting a record.”

He laughs as my nervousness beats through me. Do I really think he’s going to accept? What kind of guy would? But then again, the waitress promised me that I stood a good chance if I flattered him enough.

I laugh along with Harrison, but my heart isn’t in it. It’s now or never.

Keeping what I hope is a teasing smile on my face, I lean a little closer. “I’m in need of a donation. I’ve fallen on… hard times, and…” I rush to finish my explanation because I immediately sense a shift in Harrison’s body language. “I’m willing to do… anything you want for said donation.” I lift one of my shoulders and bite my bottom lip.

But Harrison is already extracting his hand. “You came over here to ask for money?” He couldn’t sound more disgusted.

Inside, I’m shriveling up and curling into a little ball, but I try to keep my face calm and collected. I stare right back at him. “I came to beg more than ask.”

Harrison snorts and shakes his head. “You just assumed I would give you money because I think you’re attractive. You’re not a pole dancer. I’m not just handing out money.”

My shoulders straighten just a little as I realize that no matter what I say now, it’s not going to happen. Harrison Jones isn’t going to hand over any money, and that gives me just the push I need to say exactly what’s on my mind.

“I’m glad that you can play God to decide exactly who needs what in this world. You have no idea what kind of situation I’m in, and-”

“Whatever situation ‘you’re in,’” the sarcasm is practically dripping off his voice like he’s never found himself in a difficult situation, “You put yourself there. Figure your own way out. I don’t stay rich and comfortable by giving my money away, and I don’t plan to start, no matter how attractive you might be.”

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