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Chapter one


That man is rich. I watch Harrison from across the room, and I feel the first stirrings of desire in my stomach. I got his name from one of the cocktail waitresses. She was all too happy to gossip about him. Apparently, if someone strikes his fancy, she sometimes walks out of the room with a stack of bills in her hand. I watch Harrison, trying to figure out how I can be that woman tonight.

I came here to have a fun night despite my tight purse strings. But now, hearing about Harrison and his generous tips, makes me want to try my luck because I need money, and badly.

He sits in the VIP booth of Fleming’s, a few feet above the rest of us lowly, normal folk. His dark hair reflects the bright, swinging lights, and his sparkling smile catches my attention once and then again. He’s wearing an ash gray suit that has been tailored to fit him perfectly. This man lives in the life of luxury.

I sit at a table in the main section, next to the dance floor. A girl’s sweaty body passes right by me as she throws herself into the music, and I wrinkle my nose at the rancid smell.

The problem is that Harrison isn’t just any handsome guy. I’ve had practice dealing with handsome men with huge egos. Just start flattering them, and they melt in your hands. But this man…

I take a sip of the $2 martini. I can’t afford anything else, and I had to buy something in order to not be kicked out. I nurse the martini, making it last so that I can watch Harrison as long as possible before approaching him.

I need money. He has more than he could ever need. I only have one thing worth trading, and I wonder if in the light of every woman he’s ever had if I will seem like a novelty or not.

I gulp down the last of the martini, feeling only the tiniest of buzzes. It’s not enough. I need to be flat out drunk to make the request I’m about to make, but I can’t afford to say something stupid. I also can’t afford another drink, not with me trying to save every penny.

It’s now or never. I rise from the table, roll my shoulders back, and march across the bar.

Just before I reach Harrison’s private booth, I adjust my posture and facial expression. I want to appear attractive and teasing, someone who will catch his attention and hold it.

“Harrison,” I state with confidence, an award-winning smile plastered on my face.

He startles and turns, quickly making his movement smooth. I wait as his eyes stroll down my body taking in my curves. I may not have been blessed with the ability to wear size two jeans my whole life, but I definitely am not lacking in curves.

Finally, Harrison’s eyes land on my face again, and I feel a jolt of recognition that throws me off my game for a moment. His eyes look familiar, but I can’t place why. I’ve never met him before. I would remember that.

“A guest!” He exclaims like my appearance was just what he was waiting for. “Come, have a drink with me.”

Well, that was easy. Apparently, Harrison gives away invitations into his private booth without too much work. He signals to the cocktail waitress who bounds over.

“Another old fashioned for me, and…” Harrison cocks an eyebrow in my direction.

“Martini is fine,” I say, not planning to drink any of it. I need to stay focused on my goal for talking to Harrison, and it isn’t to get a free martini.

With almost a hundred thousand dollars of debt on my shoulders (thanks, parents, for that little inheritance), I’m overwhelmed on where to even start. It doesn’t help that I just had to leave my whole life behind for reasons I’d rather not mention.

Harrison’s eyes study me coolly as though he’s looking through a selection of drinks in the refrigerated section at a gas station. Except that this guy has probably never bought a drink at a gas station before.

The way he oozes money, he probably has a chauffeur and a mini fridge in his vehicle.

“So…” Harrison says, his eyes finally fixing on my face. “You came over because…”

I don’t think saying “the waitress said you take pity on women sometimes, and I need money” is the right way to go about this. “I couldn’t resist,” I say.

I remember how I felt in college when I first set foot on campus. I felt like I was an imposter. Everyone else clearly belonged here, but I felt lost and out of place. I hadn’t let anyone know that though.

I step into that role now, acting overly confident. “I’m sorry, but when a girl comes to a club and sees someone who looks like you…” I give him his own once over, “she’d be an idiot not to come over.”

Harrison chuckles, a low sound, his eyes still fixed on me. I clearly have his attention, and I like it.

My stomach tingles with excitement as I realize that this night could actually solve all my problems. Well, maybe not all of them, but at least the biggest ones. I just have to make sure that Harrison agrees. I have to make my offer undeniable.

“Flattery,” Harrison calls me out. Then, he shrugs and glances across the club. I follow his gaze and see the cocktail waitress weaving her way back through the crowd of plebes to reach us. “I don’t mind it,” he says, flashing me a smile.

Once our drinks have been delivered, I let my nerves out through my fingers, gripping the stem of the glass tightly. The rest of my body appears relaxed, at ease. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for.
