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After college, we drifted apart. That’s what happens when you live states apart. Then, our parents got divorced, and there were no more suggested family gatherings.

I’m honestly surprised Garrett texted and said he wanted to book a flight out here. But then again, it’s not like I have anything against him. We’ve drifted apart; nothing drove us apart.

“That’s my uncle?” Jaxon asks, grabbing my phone from me and pressing the screen so close to his face that I’m not sure how he can see anything.

“Yes, that’s him.”

“How old is he?”

That question requires a little bit of thought. “He would be… twenty-six now.”

“That’s a big number. Does he know me? Does he know I’m thwee?”

I smile. “No, but I’ll tell him about you, okay? Go play, and I’m going to talk to Uncle Garrett.”

Jaxon hangs onto my leg, apparently thinking he’s going to miss out on something interesting as I tramp back to the kitchen and take my seat at the head of the table.

I videocall Garrett, wondering what I’ll say if he picks up. And if he doesn’t? Should I rescind my invitation? It has been three years. A lot can change in three years.

But Garrett picks up on the third ring. “Hey, brother!” he practically shouts through the phone. I lower the volume on the side.


Jaxon pops up next to my arm. “Hey!”

“Oh, wow. Your kid has grown. He’s like a real kid now, not just a baby.”

“That’s usually what happens to them. They start out small, then, you know, they get bigger.”

Garrett laughs. “I guess it just kind of surprised me. I was going to ask if he knows how to talk yet, but I guess that’s a yes.”

“Oh, yeah, Jaxon knows how to talk.”

“I can talk!” Jaxon pipes up, enjoying the spotlight.

I turn the video to him and he shows Garrett his dinosaurs. I watch carefully from next to the phone to see how my brother reacts. He looks mildly interested, though it’s clear he doesn’t care at all.

“Okay, Jaxon, go play by yourself and let me talk a little bit.”

Jaxon obeys, and I settle back into the chair. “So, what made you suddenly decide I’m worth visiting?”

Garrett sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I’m dealing with a lot, man.”

I hear it in his voice, that old tone of feeling overwhelmed. I used to be his big brother, the one he always ran to when he needed help. That changed sometime during high school when Garrett started to stand on his own two feet.

But now, I feel a surge of pride as I realize that he’s doing it again. He’s running to me when he needs help. I sure as hell don’t have my life together, but maybe I can help Garrett with his issues.

“What’s up?”

Garrett shakes his head. “I think I forgot to have fun.”

I laugh. “Dude, that’s not possible.”

“Not possible for you, maybe. I was all serious. I was settling down with someone. I was even going to marry her.”

I nod. I think I remember seeing something about that on social media, but to be honest, I felt a little jealous when I saw the update. I scrolled past it as quickly as I could.

“Well, it’s not going to happen now. She called it off. And I’ve been having trouble finding my place in the world again.”
