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“Ah, you need me to find you a new girl,” I say, thinking immediately about Breanna. But I’m not willing to try to match her up with my brother. I like Breanna too much for myself, even if I don’t want to admit that out loud.

“No, I’m not… no, man. I just need to have a good time. I figured we haven’t seen each other in a while…”

I see where he's heading, and I have no problem helping him have a good time. “Yeah, I’ve got a good nanny for Jaxon now, so whenever you and I want to go out, she’ll be here with him. She has no other life than taking care of Jaxon.”

I feel bad about the jab, but it’s true. Breanna really doesn’t seem to do a whole lot. I wonder if that’s because she actually is trying to save money.

“Okay, well, my flight’s going to land at 1:00 pm on Tuesday. Someone will be there to pick me up?”

“I’ll be there to pick you up.”

Jaxon pops back up, eager to ask about his uncle’s dinosaur knowledge. Jaxon makes friends easily, especially if someone knows the difference between a Parasauroiophus and a Dicraeosaurus. Garrett, unfortunately, isn’t one of those people.

He laughs at Jaxon’s mispronunciation of the words, but he sure knows what he’s saying. Finally, I suggest Jaxon and I play outside as long as he cleans up his toys first.

That gets him busy and gives me a couple more minutes of freedom to talk to Garrett. “Do you want me to bring you some flowers and chocolate to the airport?” I tease.

“You know what? Chocolate would be amazing, but no flowers. If you bring flowers, I will run in the other direction.”

“I don’t know. You look like you could use some flowers.”

“No, man. I swear.”

We end the call on a good note, and I sit there considering what just happened for a minute before Jaxon comes to make me fulfill my promise about playing with him outside.

My brother is coming to visit. I wonder what he’ll think of Breanna.

Chapter nineteen


On Tuesday afternoon, I head over to Harrison’s house a little early. Even though he said he didn’t need me to come over until five, I don’t mind coming over fifteen minutes before.

I can imagine that Jaxon’s antics might make it hard to get ready sometimes.

Besides, I really have nothing else to do. I’ve scrolled and scrolled and gotten very bored.

When I stepped outside to take my trash to the road last night, I did hear some male laughter drifting over to me from Harrison’s back porch, but there was also some loud music. It made it hard to eavesdrop.

Today, though, I am curious to see what Harrison’s brother looks like. Harrison is heart-stoppingly handsome. I wonder if his brother is the same way, or if Harrison got all the looks in the family.

When I reach the front door, I fumble and drop my key.

Sure that Harrison is watching me through the camera on the front porch and laughing at me, I reach down and scramble to pick it up quickly. But my fingers bump into the key and cause it to skitter across the porch.

By the time I pick it up, the front door is opening.

I’m pretty sure it’s Jaxon. He’s taken to waiting close to the front door when he knows I’m coming, and I know that we’re the best of friends in his eyes.

“Hey…” I start to say, whipping around with a happy smile.

But it’s not Jaxon.

No, this man is six feet tall and quite familiar. More familiar than even Jaxon.

I drop the key again as I stare at Garrett, my ex-fiance.

My heart lurches in my chest, pounding erratically as I stare at Garrett standing before me. The shock of seeing him after all this time renders me momentarily speechless, my mind scrambling to process the flood of emotions crashing over me.
