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Harrison continues, “Maybe you could just be a live-in nanny. That might be easier since I have my occasional overnight shifts, and Jaxon loves having you. We would give you your space when you’re off the clock, and…”

His offer is even more generous than paying off the mortgage even though his offer has nothing to do with money. He’s offering me something more valuable- something I haven’t had for a long time- family.

I don’t know how to respond, so I don’t.

As we sit together in silence and the growing darkness, the warmth of Harrison's presence surrounding me, I know that no matter what lies ahead, I'll always have someone to lean on. And for that, I'm eternally grateful.

“I care about you,” Harrison repeats. “A lot.”

And the only way I can respond is similarly. “I care about you too, Harrison,” I say, glancing at him to see his facial expression.

The only light on us is coming through the glass door from inside. It’s almost impossible to read his facial expression, but I try anyway.

Part of me wants to lean into his offer, to accept the safety and stability he's offering with open arms. The idea of becoming a part of their family, of having a place where I belong, tugs at my heart in a way I never thought possible.

But another part of me hesitates, wary of opening myself up to the vulnerability of depending on someone else. It's a foreign concept, one that feels both exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

The last time I trusted someone, he turned out to be Garrett. It’s hard to come back from that.

Our words hang in the air, heavy with meaning.

For a moment, we simply sit there in the quiet embrace of the night, each lost in our own thoughts and emotions. The weight of his words lingers between us, a silent promise of what could be if we dared to take that leap of faith together.

Then, I think Harrison is the one who moves first but it’s hard to tell.

Instead of a full cushion sitting between us, he’s right next to me.

Harrison's fingertips brush gently against my cheek, and a shiver runs down my spine. I know what’s coming, and the warring halves of fear and anticipation work away inside me.

I lean in, my breath catching in my throat as our lips meet in a tender kiss. Time seems to stand still as we share this moment of intimacy, lost in the sweetness of each other's embrace.

In that brief, fleeting instant, I feel a rush of warmth and connection unlike anything I've ever experienced before. With each gentle press of our lips, it's as if we're speaking a language of love that transcends words, a silent promise of all the unspoken dreams and desires yet to come.

This kiss isn’t like our previous kisses that were filled with an almost angry hunger and need. This kiss is softer, sweeter.

As we finally pull away, I'm left breathless, my heart racing with the intensity of our shared moment. In Harrison's arms, I've found a sense of belonging and connection that I never knew was possible, and I know that this kiss marks the beginning of something truly special between us.

As the darkness deepens around us, I feel a sense of peace settle over me, knowing that no matter what the future holds, I'm not alone. With Harrison by my side, I have the strength and courage to face whatever challenges may come my way.

And as we sit there, bathed in the soft glow of the porch light, I realize that maybe, just maybe, this unexpected turn of events could be the beginning of something beautiful.

Then, Jaxon smashes his face against the other side of the door, sticking his tongue out and leaving streaks along the glass.

We both start laughing at the horribly grotesque face he’s making, then he picks at the door handle until he’s able to open it, chattering excitedly about a new game he wants to play.

This moment, though different from the kiss I just shared with Harrison, is sweet in its own way too.

Chapter twenty-six


There is no mention of Breanna leaving, even though I have returned from work.

Jaxon drags us both back into the house and suggests a rousing game of dinosaurs smash things, his new favorite pastime.

I work on setting up a few towers slated for destruction as Breanna continues to chatter with Jaxon about what kind of dinosaur he’s going to be.

A few moments later, Breanna heaves a sigh and pushes herself to her feet, glancing in the direction of the front door.
