Page 12 of Jealousy Jealousy

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Sly sounded angrier than Dad, and I knew this was about Jack. Sly was jealous. I could see it in his face at dinner. He hated how Wavel talked about Jack, and how much she adored this guy without ever meeting him.

It was a win for me seeing Sly so angry, yet I didn’t want him to feel that way. I had to make him feel better. I needed him to know that Wavel wasn’t meant for him anyway. I was.

I waited for him to come out of Dad’s office, and as he walked by my bedroom door, he looked inside but dismissed me in seconds before heading to his room.

I pursed my lips and sat there for a moment longer before getting up and walking down the hall to Sly’s bedroom. I knocked, then pushed open the door to find him sitting on his couch, facing the television.

All our rooms were spacious. Maybe a bit too spacious. And we all had the same incredible view from our bedroom windows. But only I seemed to appreciate the view.

“Sly? Can I come in?” I asked, keeping my voice soft.


I closed the door behind me and took a few steps to stand in the middle of the room. I looked around, then rested my gaze on the back of his head. “What did you and Dad talk about?”

“Nothing you need to know about, Caia.”

Of course.

I pursed my lips and looked around again, trying to find something to talk about. But nothing interested me enough to spark a conversation. I wanted to talk about Wavel. About how he felt now that she was into someone else.

“I heard you will follow in Dad’s footsteps. Is that true?”

“Where’d you hear that from?”

“Wavel. She said she heard you talk to Dad about it.”

Sly shrugged. “I’m not sure I want to become like Dad. He’s a fucked-up man with fucked up ideas.”

That surprised me.

Sly adored Dad, and he never said anything negative about him. But the way he was speaking about him now made me wonder for how long he had thought about Dad in that way.

“Do you really think that?”

“Why would I say shit like that and not think it? He’s not a good man.”


I walked around the couch and sat down next to him. He had pulled up the sleeves of his sweater, letting his forearms show. He was tense, and the veins pushed through his skin. It was safe to say that working out in our home gym almost daily paid off.

“Does Wavel know you think of him that way?” I asked.

“Why are you pulling Wavel into this?”

“Because you usually don’t tell me things without having told Wavel beforehand. Actually…you never tell me anything. I’m surprised you admitted to all that to me.”

He turned his head to look at me. His eyes said a lot, but I couldn’t make out a specific emotion. A spark of amusement then appeared, and he chuckled with a shake of his head. “Maybe I shouldn’t have told you. I don’t trust you. You’ll run to Wavel and Mom, and then you’ll tell Dad. Just…forget it, okay?”

“I’m not a snitch,” I stated, dropping my gaze to my hands as I picked at the skin around my fingernails. “I don’t care if you don’t like Dad. I don’t like him either.”

“That’s not a secret. You hate him. And you hate Mom. God, you fucking despise Mom, and you’re lucky she’s not smart enough to realize it.”


So my feelings toward my parents weren’t hidden.

Then again…I had never tried to hide them.
