Page 13 of Jealousy Jealousy

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The people on TV talked as we sat there in silence. I let his words linger, letting my mind drift off until my thoughts became too dark. There were things I wished I could say to my mother’s face. Things that would upset and anger her. Things that would make the rest of my family hate me more than they already did.

I got rid of those thoughts with a shake of my head, then I faced him with a smile, hoping to change the subject. “Wanna watch a movie? I read a spoiler-free review of a movie that came out a few months ago, and it said it had amazing plot twists.”

“I don’t know, Caia. I feel like being alone tonight.”

He didn’t sound too convinced, and after today, I didn’t want him to be alone. “It’s a psychological thriller with a hint of horror. I’m sure you’ll love it. I can make us cheesy nachos.”

I usually didn’t insist on things but when it came to Sly, I gave it my all to end up spending time with him. We rarely did things together, and the last time we spent time together was a long time ago. And even then, the time was spent preparing a gift for Wavel for when she was released from the hospital.

“We can ask Wavel if she wants to join us.” It was my last hope to at least get a chance to spend the night with him. Even if I wouldn’t be alone with him.

Sly ran his hands through his hair and shook his head. “No, she doesn’t like movies like that. Besides…I’m damn sure she’s busy texting that jackass.”

Nice wordplay.

“So…we’ll watch the movie?”

He sighed. “Sure. Whatever.”

That was good enough for me. I smiled brightly and got up from the couch. “Great. I’ll make the cheesy nachos. I’ll be right back.”

“Bring me a beer too, will you?”

“Of course.”

Anything for you.



Chapter 9


Sly had been patiently waiting for me to get back to him. When I walked into his bedroom, he was already comfortably sitting on the couch, facing the TV, with a blanket covering his legs. He had changed into his nightwear which was essentially a black, satin button up shirt. He looked handsome in it.

He looked handsome without it too.

He was overall the most handsome man to ever walk this earth.

I set down the food and drink, then got comfortable on the couch next to him. Sly had no intention of sharing his blanket with me, and though I was cold, I wasn’t going to beg for it. I pulled up my legs and tugged them under me.

“I hope you like the nachos,” I said with a smile.

He gave a quick nod, then handed me the remote to put on the movie. I did a quick search and found it on one of the three streaming services we had, and after pressing play, I put the remote back down and leaned back.

We sat there in the darkness of his room, watching the movie in silence.

I had lied to him. I had seen the movie already. But it was as fucked up as my mind, and I wanted to watch it again. This time, with Sly sitting next to me.

I saw myself in the protagonist, and I loved how crazy she was. She didn’t show it, and the people around her never figured her out. Not really. They knew she was messed up in the head, just like my family knew I was too, but no one would help her. They only helped each other.

I related to that.

A lot.

And I hoped that maybe Sly would understand that I was trying to send a message. Maybe if he realized that the girl in the movie was just like me, he would finally help me get better.
