Page 36 of Jealousy Jealousy

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We used to spend most our time in there when we were little, but swimming had never been something I liked doing. I was down here mainly to watch Sly in nothing but his swim shorts. That was my reason to be there.

I pushed open the large door and went inside, immediately being hit by the steamy air lingering in the air.

I remembered breathing in this air extra hard to make my throat hurt, with the sole goal of getting a sore throat, to then whine about it, and get Sly’s attention.

“See, I’m sick now too. Will you take care of me like you take care of Wavel now?” I used to ask him, but Sly never said yes. He didn’t even offer to bring me a cup of tea with honey, or cough syrup. He simply did not care about my health. But now…I was all he wanted.

I looked around the oval-shaped room, finding Sly sitting on the other side of the large pool. He was looking at me with narrowed eyes as he leaned against the white tiles behind him.

He was wearing boxers and a shirt, but his feet were bare.

I stood by the other end of the pool and looked at him, waiting for him to give me instructions.

“Take off that dress,” he demanded, his raspy voice echoing against the walls.

I started to undress but stopped when I remembered that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. It shouldn’t have been an issue because letting him see me naked was all I’ve been desiring. Still, I got a little shy.

“Undress,” he challenged with raised brows. “Don’t tell me you’re pulling back now.”

“I’m not. I’m just—”

“Then undress.”

I hesitated, then I finally pushed myself to take off the dress until I was standing there naked.

He watched me, letting his eyes wander all over my body. He took in every inch, and when he looked pleased with what he saw, he got up from the bench to walk over to me.

I held my breath until he was standing next to me, and he sent shivers down my spine when he brushed back my hair to expose my collarbone and shoulder.

“You look beautiful, Wavel,” he told me in a whisper. There was an agonizing undertone in his words, and I knew he used it on purpose. He must’ve been aware of the way he made me feel when he called me Wavel, but I would get over it.

It hurt, but I was still the one being so close to him. Not Wavel.

And it would never be Wavel.

Chapter 22


“You look beautiful, Wavel.”

His words taunted me as he traced my collarbone with his fingertips. He was standing so close that I could feel his breath against my cheek, and instead of turning my head to look at him, I kept staring straight ahead onto the untouched water.

“Aren’t you going to thank me? Didn’t Mom and Dad raise you to be kind and respectful?”

I dropped my gaze and nodded. They did teach us that, but unlike Wavel, I wasn’t as polite. I had no reason to be.

“Thank you,” I whispered, finally daring to look at him.

His hand cupped my throat, and he tilted my head as he leaned in to kiss my lips. I hadn’t washed out my mouth after he had bitten down onto my tongue, and the taste of my blood still lingered on it.

I closed my eyes and took in this moment, unsure of when he would kiss me again. It seemed that he liked kissing me, but with Sly I never knew when he was done liking something.

If he realized how much I liked kissing him, he might stop doing it all just to punish me.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and curled around mine, leading our kiss into a slow and passionate makeout. His fingers dug into my skin, but not hard enough to choke me.

I was able to breathe in between our kisses, but something told me that I soon wouldn’t have that privilege.
