Page 37 of Jealousy Jealousy

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He broke the kiss, letting out a sigh as he leaned his forehead against my temple. “I hope you still love me after this.”

Whatever he wanted to do with me, I would love him more no matter what. I finally got what I’ve always wanted. I wasn’t sure he understood how obsessed I was with him, and anything he did to me would fulfil every little desire and dream I ever had about him.

“You couldn’t make me hate you even if you tried,” I told him.

He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Yes, I could. But let’s not argue about that. On your knees.”

His demand came suddenly, and he stepped aside to give me the space I needed. I got down on my knees, still facing the pool.

When I rested my hands on my thighs, I looked up at him, waiting for further instructions.

He took my chin between his finger and thumb, tilting my head back a little more. There was something in his eyes that I couldn’t quite make out, but I knew he liked what he was seeing.

I smiled, then bit my bottom lip. I was suddenly feeling confident. “Will you do dirty things to me now?”

Sly laughed and kept taking me in with his dark blue eyes. “Not just dirty things, baby. I will do things to you that will make you question why you let me get this close.”

No matter how often he said that, I would never question or regret anything we’d do. I was sick in the head, and I was letting him play with me, use me for his personal pleasure, and make me act like my twin.

I would let him hurt me.

Hell, he could kill me if that’s what he desired.

Anything to make him happy.

“You can do whatever you want to me, Sly. I’m all yours. I’m your Wavel.”

He placed his thumb on my bottom lip, then pushed it into my mouth to press it down on my tongue. “Suck,” he demanded.

I wrapped my lips around his thumb and pulled it deeper into my mouth, sucking on it slowly while keeping my eyes on him.

“So goddamn beautiful,” he whispered, watching my mouth closely. “Use your tongue, baby. Twirl it around my thumb as if it were my dick.”

I curled my tongue around his thumb and sucked harder. I had no fucking idea how to suck a dick, but this was a great way to practice. I would learn many things from him.

He pulled out his thumb and pushed his fore and middle finger inside my mouth instead. He pressed down on my tongue, telling me to keep it there before he pushed them deeper into my mouth.

I had an untrained gag reflex, and my tongue automatically moved, blocking his fingers from sliding deeper down my throat.

He muttered a curse and gave me a serious look. “Open your mouth. Keep it open and stick out your tongue.”

I did everything he said while still looking up at him.

His fingers slid onto my tongue again until his fingertips touched the back of my throat. I gagged and coughed but caught myself before I gained another hard glare from Sly.

I wanted to show him that I could do this and wasn’t backing down when I couldn’t do it the first time. I would try again and again, until I was able to please him without struggling myself.

I felt his two fingers spread at the back of my throat, and I started to panic when my stomach started to twist.

“Focus. Relax your body.”

It was easier said than done. I closed my eyes and arched my back as I gagged once more, but I straightened up again, and stared up at him with tears in my eyes. “I can do it,” I mumbled with his fingers still in my mouth.

“Good. Because it’ll be my dick you’ll suck next.”


A single tear rolled down her cheek after I pulled my fingers out of her mouth. I kept looking at her as I held out my hand, and she placed hers in mine gently. I guided her hand to my boxers, making her cup my dick over the fabric. “You like how it feels?” I asked.
