Page 45 of Jealousy Jealousy

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Mom wasn’t saying all this with the intention to ask if I wanted to tag along. She was telling me that today, I would be home alone, and that I had to cook and eat by myself.

“Sly will stay here, so you two can order in,” Dad added.

Normally, the idea of being home alone with Sly should’ve excited me. Not this time.

“Why isn’t he coming with you?”

“We don’t want to bore Sly by dragging him along to all the clothing stores,” Mom explained with a laugh, making it sound like I asked the dumbest question.

“And Dad won’t get bored?” I asked, raising a brow.

“I have to make sure my angel doesn’t buy things that are too revealing. We don’t want her to look like a slut when she goes to visit her boyfriend for the first time, do we?”

Boyfriend? Is that official now?

“You do know that they will have sex no matter what she’s wearing, right?”

“Caia,” my mother warned with a disgusted expression. “Wavel is a good girl. She doesn’t think about such things. It’s him we’re worried about. We don’t want him to think that she visits him just to have a fun time.”

This conversation was ridiculous.

I furrowed my brows and laughed. “Don’t you think that if he only wanted sex, he would have asked a girl that lives in his area?”

Mom and Dad looked at each other with question in their eyes. Then Dad shook his head. “Some men are horrible humans. It wouldn’t surprise me if he went to great lengths just to have sex with my daughter.”

Was he listening to himself? Jesus, how stupid were they?

“It’s Wavel who’s taking a flight to Vancouver, not the other way around. He’s not going to great lengths, at all.”

“And there we have it,” Dad said, throwing his hands into the air. “See, he even makes her take the flight. I tell you what, Alanis. If that boy turns out to use our daughter for sex only, I will fly over there myself to teach him a lesson.”

I must’ve been having a fever dream because this fucking conversation didn’t make any sense. Were they actually that stupid?

“Why see what happens when you can prevent it from happening?”

Sly walked into the dining room with messy hair and no shirt on. All he was wearing were his boxers which he had on last night. His hoarse voice was an indicator that, unlike me, he did get sleep last night.

I watched him for a moment but remembered that I was ignoring him. I looked at my food and continued to eat.

“Sly, son, we’re taking Wavel to town today. You’ll be home alone with Caia. You can order in tonight.”

“Fine.” He didn’t sound too pleased. Did he not want to be alone with me? With the three of them gone, he could live out his biggest fantasies. He could take me to Wavel’s room and fuck me in her bed. He could make me moan his name while he moans Wavel’s.

“Our princess is sleepy this morning, it seems,” Mom said with a smile. “She deserves to rest. She’s always reading and studying.”

It was always Wavel this, Wavel that. Everything she did was precious, and everything she touched turned into gold. But Wavel wasn’t a saint, and neither was I.

Because if I had the strength to, I would’ve already gotten rid of her to be this family’s sweetheart.

Chapter 28


I hid in my room most of the afternoon, wanting to avoid Sly. I could hear him walk around the house, going up and down the stairs multiple times, before there was silence again.

It was close to six p.m. when I started to get hungry, and after making sure Sly was locked in his room, I headed downstairs to see if there was something to eat in the fridge. Dad insisted that we’d order in tonight, but I didn’t feel like doing that. Not if it meant having to speak to Sly to order the food.

I opened the fridge and looked inside, only to find that there was nothing I could turn into an actual meal. Great. There wasn’t even cheese I could melt over tortilla chips. That would probably make mom angry again.
