Page 46 of Jealousy Jealousy

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I sighed and closed the fridge, and my heart skipped a beat when I noticed Sly standing in the doorway. I turned my head and held my hand to my chest, frowning at him. “You scared me.”

He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. He had put on clothes since I last saw him this morning, but his hair was still messy.

“You ignoring me or something?”

That wasn’t a question I wanted to answer. I turned away to see if I had more luck finding something in the pantry. Cornflakes would do. Or a can of ravioli.

“Caia, I’m talking to you.”

Damn. He called me by my name. God, what was his deal? He confused the shit out of me.

“But I’m not talking to you.”

I opened the pantry and stepped inside, finding nothing but cans of tomato sauce and flour. My stomach growled, and I placed my hand on it to stop it from making any more noise.

“Mind explaining why you’re not talking to me?”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I turned to face him. He stood in the pantry’s doorway, blocking my exit.

“Yes, I do mind,” I told him. I fisted my hands at my side, looking up at him with a tilt of my head.

He studied me carefully, and I saw all the thoughts rushing through him. His eyes told me a lot, but I was never able to actually read him. He wasn’t happy with me, that was for sure.

He sighed and lowered his head, and he took a step toward me when he looked at me again. “You’re being too sassy for my liking. Did you forget about what I told you? Whose game we’re playing here?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t forget. I’m just not sure I want to keep playing this game.”


“Because it’s boring. And one-sided.”

Sly chuckled, lowering his head again as he spoke. “That’s how my game works. I make the rules, and you follow them without complaining.” His eyes met mine again. “I thought we established that.”

I took another step back as he cornered me in the pantry. His hand came up to cup my face. I turned my head, hating how easily he made me want him when I was this mad at him.

“I don’t want to play anymore,” I repeated, standing my ground. Not that I could move anyway. I was stuck, and there was no escaping him now.

His fingers wrapped around my throat, and he pushed me back until my back hit the shelves. My gaze locked on his, and I swallowed hard as his grip tightened.

“That’s too damn bad,” he muttered. “You wanna know why it’s too damn bad, baby? Because no matter what you want, it’s me deciding for you. You gave yourself to me to be used. To be someone I’ve always longed for. And you will keep being that someone until I get the real deal. You don’t get to decide shit. You do as I say, and you give yourself to me whenever I want, wherever I want. Am I clear?”

Normally, everything he said would’ve turned me on. But this time, I wanted to punch him in the face for the words he spoke. My body tensed, and I clenched my teeth. “You’re an arrogant asshole.”

“Am I?” he asked in a teasing tone, laughing right at my face. “Yeah, I guess I am. But you’ll have to live with that. You put yourself into this situation. Gotta deal with the consequences.”

I tried to avoid him as he leaned in, but I couldn’t move my head in time before his lips covered mine. He kissed me, sliding his tongue into my mouth, but I didn’t kiss him back. I wanted to bite his tongue the way he had bitten mine. I wanted to hurt him. Make him bleed. But as angry as I was, deep down I was enjoying this, and something kept me from hurting him.

I was weak. God, I was fucking weak even when I tried my hardest to be strong.

Maybe he was right. Maybe I needed him to use me because I was useless otherwise.

His fingers dug deeper into my throat, taking my breath away once again while he continued to kiss me. I slowly melted into him against my will. I lifted my hands and placed them on his chest, feeling his muscles flex under my touch.

“I could kill you right now,” he whispered into the kiss, surprising me with his words which made me feel more confused about my feelings for him.

I should’ve been angry at him, but I couldn’t keep that act up. He wasn’t talking to Wavel right now. He was talking to me. Caia. And he was saying what he had probably always been thinking.

“Do it,” I whispered back as he pulled back to look at me. “But it won’t change the way I feel for you, Sly. I love you.”
