Page 61 of Jealousy Jealousy

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I swallowed hard, unsure about my answer.

I couldn’t lie to him, but I didn’t want to upset him. He was sad enough, and if me helping him meant to have him back the way I did before Wavel’s death, then I would do it for him.

“I’ll try my best to be your Wavel,” I whispered, hoping my answer was enough.

He hugged me tighter, and I closed my eyes, wishing our lives were easier.

Chapter 38


I knew it was wrong to expect her to act like her dead twin sister when she was hurting just as much as I was, but it’s been five months, and the void I felt because of Wavel’s death was still there.

I couldn’t get my mind off Wavel. I wanted to be alone, and so I stayed away from my family. It was hard to admit, but I was relieved when Caia knocked on my door earlier. I knew she had been wanting to check on me before, but I kept ignoring and getting out of her way.

Then, when she was in my arms, all the negative emotions that I bottled up inside of me finally had a way to escape. Holding Caia made me realize how important she was to me. But again…I would never admit to that. I wasn’t ready to.

It shouldn’t have surprised me that she agreed to being my Wavel again. She had agreed to it before, and because she wanted to please me, she did it again.

I should’ve thanked her, but I wanted to keep sitting there in silence, with her in my lap, and our arms around each other.

The movie ended a while ago, and when my stomach growled, Caia leaned back to look at me with worried eyes. “You haven’t been eating a lot lately. I can get you something to eat if you don’t want to go downstairs,” she offered.

Had she always been this sweet and courteous? Yes. I just never looked past the way she looked. She was never really Caia to me. She was just someone I used for my own pleasure. And the craziest part was that she let me use her.

I shook my head, resting my hands on her thighs. “Thank you, but I’ll come with you. I’ve locked myself up here for way too long. Are Mom and Dad downstairs?”

She nodded, looking pleased with my decision. “They’re in the living room. They’ll be happy to have you around for a while.”

I studied her, noticing that her face changed between Wavel’s and her own. I was never able to tell them apart, but my brain was playing tricks on me, letting me see Wavel, then Caia, then Wavel again.

“You’re so beautiful,” I said quietly, lifting my hands to cup her face.

She knew my words weren’t meant for her, but for Wavel. Yet, she played along because it made us both feel good. “Thank you, Sly. Now, let’s go get you something to eat.”

Before she could get off my lap, I held her to me and leaned forward to kiss her. Her lips moved gently against mine, and I deepened the kiss by tilting my head to the side and dipping my tongue into her mouth.

She melted into me, and I dropped one hand to her hip, pulling her tighter against me. I’ve missed her body on mine, and I missed those sweet lips.

When I broke the kiss, I smiled at her before helping her up. I reached for her hand and kept it in mine as we headed downstairs. Once we reached the living room, Mom and Dad turned their heads to look at us. Their eyes went to our interlocked fingers, then they lifted to our faces. Dad nodded, acknowledging me, and understanding that I was finally coming back out of my shell.

Mom smiled at me, putting down the newspaper. “Can I get you something, sweetheart? There are leftovers in the fridge.”

“Thanks, Mom. I’ll get it myself.”

She nodded, then looked at Caia before her gaze dropped to our hands again. She was allowed to judge, but I wasn’t going to justify myself. I needed my sister close.

“Okay. We’re going to bed soon. We’ll come say goodnight in a bit.”

I nodded before turning and walking through the dining room and into the kitchen with Caia. She let go of my hand to open the fridge. “Sit, I’ll warm this up for you.”

She was being so damn caring.

If Wavel was still alive, Caia’s behavior would’ve been sickening. I’d be annoyed with her kindness and would’ve probably shouted at her to stay away from me.

It was different now. I needed her. She was slowly guiding me out of the darkness, and I knew in the end I would be grateful for it.

I couldn’t express my gratitude yet. Not before I was back to who I was before.
