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Felix clears his throat and pulls out his phone. It’s almost too much to take, and I feel like I’m about to crack.

If he regrets our sleeping together, he should just come out and say it! Not leave me sitting here feeling like a fool.

I take a deep breath, attempting to steady my racing heart as I nibble on a bagel. The awkward silence between us feels suffocating, but I don’t know how to bring up last night.

Because, truthfully, if he’s okay with it, then I’m okay with it. That’s what I want anyway — a real relationship, one that comes with every aspect that they’re supposed to.

Based on his behavior, though, I get the feeling he’s of a completely different mind.

“About last night…” Felix finally says, his voice hesitant.

My heart leaps into my throat, and I force myself to swallow the lump that’s formed there.

“Um, yeah?” I try to sound casual, even though my palms are growing clammy.

“Look, Lily.” He runs a hand through his sleep-tousled hair. “I think we both got carried away. I’m sorry if I took things too far.”

His apology catches me off guard, and I feel a pang of disappointment at his words. But I won’t let him see how much it stings; I’ve already shown him too much of my heart.

“Right, of course.” I nod heartily. “It was just one of those things, you know?”

Felix nods, but his brown eyes hold a mixture of relief and regret. “Moving forward, I think it’s best if we establish some ground rules. Our arrangement should remain strictly professional from here on out. We can’t afford to complicate things further.”

“Agreed.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep the hurt from showing on my face.

I knew Felix didn’t do love, especially not with someone like me. It was foolish to ever think otherwise.

“Great. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” He gives me a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Absolutely,” I echo, returning the smile with as much sincerity as I can muster.

Inside, my heart is breaking, but I refuse to let it show. This is what I signed up for, after all — a strictly professional arrangement with the charming, untamable playboy prince.

So I’ll keep my lips sealed and my heart locked away, hidden behind a facade of indifference. It’s the only way to protect myself from the inevitable heartache that would come from falling even further for him.

Another long, painful silence stretches on. I wish I could think of something to say, but I feel heavy and numb.

“By the way.” He clears his throat as he sets down his coffee cup. “There’s something I need to discuss with you. My parents have requested that we visit them in Albavarre. It’s rather urgent.”

“Albavarre?” My heart skips a beat. I’ve always dreamed of visiting the beautiful kingdom but never thought I’d have the chance. “When do they want us to leave?”

“Tomorrow, if possible.” He watches me carefully for my reaction.

“Wow, that’s… soon,” I stammer, trying to process this sudden turn of events.

But then again, why not dive in head first? This could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Plus, it might help me put some distance between myself and the confusing feelings I’ve developed for Felix. There’s nothing like a good distraction.

“All right. I’m in.”

“Great.” Felix smiles, visibly relieved. “I’ll call my pilot.”

As he steps away to make the call, I excuse myself and slip into the downstairs bathroom. Leaning against the cool marble sink, I stare at my reflection in the mirror, searching for answers in my own eyes.

Is this what I truly want? Should I turn back, walk away from this whirlwind adventure? Deep down, I know that it’s already too late. I’ve already signed on for this journey, and my curiosity about Albavarre only adds to my determination to see it through.

My thoughts drift back to last night and the way we crossed a line we shouldn’t have. It’s my fault, really. I let my guard down and allowed my heart to rule my head, something I swore I’d never do with Felix. The least I can do now is honor our agreement to keep things professional.

“Okay,” I whisper to my reflection. “You can do this, Lily. Just keep your lips and your heart to yourself.”
