Page 63 of Tats

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My jaw ticks at her words?—

Fucking was?

"Momma, that's enough. We all know there's a reason why he never told anyone. Even as a child, I knew Dad treated him differently, and don't say you didn’t notice, either. Violet will not lose that baby. She won't allow it. That woman is a badass, and I am proud to call her my sister-in-law," my sister snaps, my pacing continuing as I ignore them still.

"He's my son, Scarlett, I had every right to know. Dammit, I missed his wedding."

That does it. I stop and glare at my mother, making everyone freeze, knowing I never, and I mean fucking never take my anger out on my mother, but she won't shut the fuck up.

I snap, "Dad wasn't there, Scarlett wasn't there, fuck even Grams, who tried to raise me before moving into the home who knew about the wedding, wasn't there. We had a few friends who knew about us, and that was it. Can you fucking imagine how painful our wedding day would have been for my wife to see my family there, yet hers couldn't be? To watch my momma dote all over me, when hers is lying in the ground?" She flinches. I continue, "I didn't want our relationship public because of the club, that's it. Dad only knows because I got run off the road a month ago, and she came to see me in the hospital. This isn't about you, Momma, it's about me and my fear of losing my girl, the same fucking girl that's missing."

I shake my head, hating the tears running down her cheeks, and continue to pace, wishing they'd just stayed away.

"What the hell does he mean by run off the road? You told me someone ran over his bike!"

I wince at Momma's angry words as my father groans. "Woman, I knew you'd get pissed if I told you, and neither he nor Violet needed that drama."

I look at Momma’s bright red face as she raises her voice. "Of course, I’d be pissed! He's my son, and I'm his next of kin; someone should have called me!"

I clear my throat and admit, "Actually, Momma, Violet’s has been my next of kin for over three years."

Her eyes widen as my father takes a step back in fear and, if I wasn't frustrated and frightened right now, I would have laughed. The man's a grown-ass biker who goes up against mean motherfuckers, yet he’s scared of his wife.

I shake my head and start to pace again.

"You know, brother, this land?—"

I cut Snake off, not looking at him, and state, "The club is not investing in my land, Snake." Someone, most likely Sniper, snorts, knowing exactly where his blood brother is going. We all do, and it's not going to work.

"Fuck's sake. Come on, Jayden. If the club invests in it, we could get livestock on the back fields and start a cattle business."

I stop and look at my prez, and raise a brow at him. "And who would run this business?"

He thinks momentarily as everyone, even my momma, tries to hold in their laugh, knowing no brother will want anything to do with cattle except Timmy, our new prospect. The kid is a farmer at heart who happens to like riding Harleys instead of horses.

Snake's eyes light up as he states, "The prospects."

I nod and reply, "And let me guess, there will be a contract where I'll get most of the profits as long as I am club brother."

Just under two months left, and he's panicking.

Snake shrugs. "Well, obviously…but also, my enforcer."

I shake my head at him and say, "Nice try," before continuing to pace. He groans, but I ignore it, and the others chuckle while I beg my phone to ring.

Tech stated he was looking at another angle and mentioned he'd call.

I spent a whole week without my wife, and I feel like I'm dying. The brothers and I have scorched the town and the three nearest to us, and nothing. There is no sign of her. Liv is beside herself, wanting her friend back, and Grams…. Fuck.

My heart hurts thinking of my sweet grandmother.

She had a heart attack after hearing the news through fucking Patty, another resident, after she overheard my father talking to the manager, requesting him to lie and state she was on holiday. My grandmother literally had a fucking heart attack, and old man Tims had to give her CPR. Tests showed she had a blocked artery and was very lucky CPR was given as quickly as it was.

We could have lost her.

She's not been the same since; worry always darkens her eyes. She needs my girl back…. Fuck, I need my girl back.

I can feel eyes on me, but I ignore them, continuing to pace the hardwood floor. My mind is trying to figure out what parts of each town we haven't investigated when my phone rings. I quickly grab it from the kitchen nook and answer it, putting it on speaker.
