Page 46 of Shooting Star Love

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“Hey, I got a message from Ruby saying that she’s staying with you.”

“Yeah, the cruise didn’t work out, and I need someone to help with Harper and Grandad.”

“Is she there now? I tried to call her back, but she didn’t answer.”

“She’s in the shower.” As soon as I said it, I heard how it sounded and quickly added, “I heard her in the bathroom after I put Harper to bed.”

“Oh, okay. Well, is she…how is she doing?”

“Um, I think…”

I wasn’t exactly sure how she was doing. She’d definitely been upset when she’d been talking to Miss Dottie. I’d been so wrapped up in my own shit, I hadn’t even checked to see how she was doing. I felt like a grade-A asshole. The sound of the bathroom door opening in the hallway saved me from having to think of an answer.

“I think she’s done in the shower. Do you want me to go get her?”

“No, that’s okay. I’ll give her a call,” Remi said. “Thanks, Kane. It really means a lot to me. I’ve been worried about her for a long time, and this is the first time I know she’s in good hands.”

In good hands. As the call disconnected, his phrase sent another wave of guilt washing over me.

Through my closed door, I heard her phone ring, and then she said hi as she picked it up. I wondered if she was going to tell him what had happened between us. I had no clue what she thought about it since we hadn’t talked about it, which I knew we had to do.

I headed downstairs to finish up the dishes from dinner. My routine was to clear the table, get Harp to bed, then clean.

As I passed Ruby’s room, I heard her assuring Remi that she was doing good. I hoped that was actually the case, but I honestly wasn’t sure. She’d seemed quiet at dinner tonight, but it was difficult to get a word in when Harp was around. My little girl had a lot to say.

Before going into the kitchen, I took a detour to check on Grandad. His door was closed, so I knocked on it lightly. When I didn’t hear a response, I gently turned the knob and pushed it open. When I did, I found him lying in bed, his mouth wide open as he snored softly.

It was good to have him home. The past few months had been scarier than I’d even admitted to myself. He was the only family, besides Harper, that I had left in this world. He’d been the only true parental figure I’d had growing up. Logically, I knew he was getting older, but I wasn’t ready to lose him yet.

After quietly shutting the door, I walked into the kitchen and found it spotless. There were no dishes in the sink, and the dishwasher was running. I also noticed that Grandad’s medication was organized in a dispenser. I’d mentioned that I might need help with him, but I hadn’t expected her to do all this.

I was used to taking care of people, not the other way around. It felt strange. It also gave me a window into how Grandad might be feeling. He’d always been so capable, and he hated anyone fussing over him.

“Hey.” I heard a soft voice behind me, and I turned to see Ruby.

My chest ached as I drank in her natural beauty. She was wearing an oversized Les Misérables t-shirt with baggy sweats. Her long, damp hair fell over one shoulder. Her face was scrubbed free of any makeup and had an angelic glow. And she smelled like a fresh spring day.

Ruby was the epitome of wholesome and pure, yet the things she inspired in me were obscene and dirty.

The corners of her perfect lips curled in a shy grin. “I was just coming to get some water.”

I cleared my throat, grabbed a glass out of the cabinet, and filled it up using the water dispenser in the fridge. “I’m actually glad you came down; we should talk.”

“Oh, okay,” she said as I handed her the water. “Thanks. I could have gotten it.”

“Thank you for doing the dishes and organizing Grandad’s medication. You didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s no problem.” She licked her lips before taking a sip of the water.

The energy between us had more tension than a rubber band stretched to its limit. I knew we needed to talk about what happened the night before as well as other things, but all I wanted to do was lean down and kiss her.

I took a step back and crossed my arms as I leaned against the counter. “I know we didn’t talk about pay or your schedule, so I thought we could go over that now.”

She nodded.

I quickly reviewed my schedule and her pay. I told her I’d give her an extra set of keys and told her she could use my truck while she was in town. I had my patrol SUV, and I didn’t want her driving Harper in the Civic. Hell, I didn’t want her driving the Civic; it was unreliable. I also made it very clear that cleaning, cooking, and laundry were not her responsibility.

“I don’t mind. I actually enjoy it.”
