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“Admit away, we’re both totally fucked up.”

She giggled softly. “I’ve never been in Damon’s lair.”

He was quiet for a few moments, and then at last, he told her, “You’ll be safe with me.”

You’ll be safe with me.

She exhaled a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. She believed him. “You’re safe with me, too.”

“Yeah, I fuckin’ know. You went falcon mid-challenge.”

She snorted. “It was an accident.”


“You don’t believe me?” she asked.

“Our animals don’t make mistakes.” He didn’t say more, just left it at that, and she thought of how he had told her his animal hated the woman he’d thought would be his mate.

Our animals don’t make mistakes.

That felt right.

Her animal hadn’t stopped paying attention to Lucas since the moment he’d entered Damon’s Mountains again.

Chapter Ten(10)

Fuck, everything hurt.

But you know? He would break his ribs all over again to stay still and allow Jenna to sleep peacefully.

She smelled so good. His forehead was pressed against the back of her hair, and after tonight, he could identify her shampoo scent from a half-mile away. Pretty girl. Even prettier when she admitted to her demons.

I get lonely.

Fuck, he understood that down to his bones. Her falcon had been making nests for babies that weren’t on the way. How many nests had she made over the years? He would bet his boner Jenna had never complained to anyone about it.

Strong woman.

Strong shifter.

He’d thought she’d stayed here and led a sheltered life, but you know? She’d eked out a career, started her own business, worked with Kong, had worked her way up, and had answered the call when Cadence, who wasn’t ever particularly kind or inclusive to her, had asked her to come here. She’d moved her entire shop. She’d built a new nest here. She’d moved into an unfamiliar trailer and committed to driving much farther to work every day. For what? Because someone from Damon’s Mountains had asked?

She was a fucking badass.

He smiled in the dark at the memory of her falcon. Much bigger than a regular wild falcon, and speckled white and brown. Vicious. He’d noticed her when her talons were angled for Torren’s eyes as she dove for him. He’d been the one to yank Torren out of the way while Aviana Novak had catapulted toward her to stop the attack.

And what had Aviana told him afterward?

She’d smiled knowingly, and told him, “Take care of that one.”

And when the mate of Beaston himself said to take care of something, a wise shifter took care of that something.

He’d forced himself to stay awake until she came home tonight because he wanted to be with her. He’d wanted to make sure she was okay, and that she knew no one was upset with her. He’d wanted her to settle the roiling predator inside of him, and she had—almost instantly.

Jenna was magic.

He’d explained to her what had happened with him and Cadence on purpose, so that she never had to question his motives or feelings while he was here.

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