Page 48 of Fastlander Fury

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“Let me try!” She texted, but yelled a curse and aimed her phone at him. Her text wasn’t going through either.

He huffed a pissed-off laugh. He would’ve done the same thing. He wouldn’t have wanted help.

Stubborn woman.

He connected a call to Bash.

“What do you need?” Sebastian Kane answered.

“She’s not at her house. Left in the night, and she’s blocked me and her cousin. Can you track her phone?”

“What’s her number?”

As if she’d heard the conversation, Corey pointed her phone screen at Gunner. Hallie’s number was pulled up, and he recited it to Bash.

“If you can find any other way to track her, do it. This takes time,” Bash growled out. “I’ll call when I have a location.”

“Bash, can you track the person on the other side of that tracker you have?” Gunner asked, throwing a shot into the universe.

Bash got quiet for a few seconds. “You are good. Hallie is lucky.” The phone clicked, and the line was dead.

What did that mean? Could Bash track the other end of the tracker, or not?

“What can I do?” Corey asked.

“Can you go to the police station and just make sure she’s not there?”

“Yep!” And God bless that woman, she strode right for the front door, pajamas and messy hair and all. She snatched a set of keys off the hook by the door and disappeared outside. “Wait!” she yelped, appearing inside again as he reached the door. “I should maybe get your number so we can exchange information.”

“Yep.” He took her phone, entered his number as a new contact, and saved it. “Text me.”

Hi, this is Corey.

He saved her number and nodded. “I’ll let you know if I find out anything,” he assured her.

“You know,” she said. “If you would’ve just said yes, none of this would be happening.”

Gunner didn’t understand. “Say yes to what?”

“To her paying for you to Turn her. If she could turn into a bear right now, we wouldn’t even have to help her. Twenty thousand is a lot of money. You should’ve just said yes.” Corey offered him a quick half-smile and then jogged for her car, leaving him to stare after her in an awful shock.

Hallie had wanted to pay him to Turn her?

Hallie had wanted to pay for a bite?

From Gunner?

A sick, churning feeling took his middle.

Hallie had talked to her cousin about wanting to pay him for a bear? Twenty thousand? Dollars?

He couldn’t move. He couldn’t make his legs step forward.

Hallie…the woman he wanted…the woman he was falling for. She wanted to pay for his bite? That’s why… He swallowed hard. That’s why she was spending time with him?

Corey sped away in her car, and still, he stood there like an idiot, his brain completely shorted out.

Hallie had wanted to pay for a bite?

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