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And then, he started to sing.

I swear, my jaw nearly hit the floor. I've known this man for years, fallen head over heels in love with him, and yet I had no idea he could sing like that. His voice was rich and smooth, like honey drizzling over warm toast, and I felt like I could listen to him forever.

Amelia, who had been fussing and whimpering just moments before, instantly settled in his arms, her little face relaxing into a picture of pure contentment. It's like Jake's voice was a magic spell, soothing her with every note.

I leaned against the doorframe, my heart so full it felt like it might burst. Seeing Jake like this, so gentle and nurturing, made me fall in love with him all over again. I knew he was an amazing father to Hailey, but seeing him with a baby? It was like a glimpse into a future, one I had been trying to deny I wanted.

As his song came to an end, Jake looked up and caught my eye. A soft smile spread across his face, and he beckoned me over to the recliner with a tilt of his head.

I tiptoed into the room, not wanting to disturb the peaceful moment. "I didn't know you could sing like that," I whispered, perching on the arm of the seat beside him.

He shrugged looking a little sheepish. "It's not something I do in public, but it always worked like a charm when Hailey was little, so I thought I'd give it a try with this little one."

I grinned, reaching out to stroke Amelia's downy head. "Well, I think it's safe to say you've got the magic touch. She's out like a light."

Jake chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners in that way I loved so much. "What can I say? I'm a man of many talents."

I leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "That you are, my love. That you are."

We sat there for a while, just watching Amelia sleep, marveling at the tiny miracle in Jake's arms. In this moment, all the stress and worry of the past few weeks seems to melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that filled me from head to toe.

"You know," I murmured, resting my head on Jake's shoulder, "seeing you like this, with a baby... it makes me think about the future. Our future."

He turned to look at me, his expression soft and full of love. "Yeah?"

I nodded, blush creeping hot up my cheeks. "Yeah. I mean, I realize we haven't talked about it, and with everything going on, it's probably not the best time, but... I don't know. Seeing you with Amelia, it just feels right, you know?"

Jake shifted Amelia to one arm, reaching out with the other to pull me close. "I know exactly what you mean. And for the record? I want that future with you. I want everything with you. In fact, before all the chaos, I was going to ask if you would consider moving in with me."

And just like that, I was speechless.



Molly said yes.

She had agreed to move in with me and Hailey. It was strange to have this little blip of happiness amid the little fires surrounding us. I had no idea how the next few months would play out, but I knew I wanted her in my life.

After leaving Amy’s that night I stayed up wracking my brain and scouring the internet for the best way to handle the leaked photo situation on top of the Natasha drama. I had no idea if the two were connected. Molly seemed pretty convinced they were, and I trusted her instincts, but I still wasn't sold on it.

It felt like I was stuck in quicksand and couldn't get a breath of fresh air. The worst part was knowing that my daughter had seen the photos. Upon further consideration, I didn't know if that or Natasha’s constant game playing with her was worse. I decided the latter was.

One fire at a time, I reminded myself.

I had yet to talk to Hailey about the situation. Loosely, Molly and I had agreed to talk with Hailey about it the following night, along with sharing the news about Molly moving in. Hopefully, the news about my relationship with Molly would ease the other, even if only a little. Hailey was so fond of Molly, something that had once terrified me, but now made me so happy.

The next morning started with a phone call from Principal Walker, his voice tight and strained as he asked me to come to the school for an emergency meeting. “We have arranged a substitute for your class and the same for Molly.”

I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I agreed.

Were they going to fire us?

It was all I could think about as I drove to the school, my mind spinning with how this all could end. I made the executive decision that Hailey had to stay home. I didn't need her getting teased, or worse. There were only a few more days of school, at this point, I didn't care if she went back the rest of the year.

She was all too happy to oblige. The prospect of more time with her baby cousin was better than school and her peers gossiping about her dad. I didn’t blame her.

If I had been in middle school and compromising photos of my father and his girlfriend had gotten out, I would not have been as cool as Hailey was being. I would have died from embarrassment or the grotesque notion that my parents saw each other naked, a thought that even at the age of 32 made me cringe. So many wrinkles.
