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Patsy glanced up at me, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

"Come on Laney, let's get going."

Laney nodded and got to her feet, bidding Patsy goodbye.

"We'll keep you updated on the search. But in the meantime, get the word out."

And with that, we left Patsy to her social media, hoping that her efforts would be enough to bring Hailey home.

I closed the door behind me, my mind racing with thoughts of Hailey and the search ahead. As Laney and I climbed into my car, I felt a sudden surge of hope, of determination.

An hour later, as Laney and I stood in the center of the park, gratitude and awe had me tongue tied. The turnout was incredible, with what seemed like half the town gathered around us, ready and willing to do whatever it took to find Hailey.

I climbed up on a nearby bench, my voice ringing out loud and clear. "Thank you all for coming," I said, my heart swelling with gratitude and love. “Hailey is out there somewhere, and I know we can find her."

I paused, taking a deep breath and letting my gaze sweep over the sea of faces before me. A cheer went up from the crowd, a swell of energy and resolve. I felt a lump form in my throat, my eyes stinging with unshed tears.

"So let's get searching," I continued, my voice cracking with emotion. "Let's keep hoping and praying and believing that Hailey will be back with us soon. Because she will be. I know it in my heart."

As the crowd dispersed, splitting off into smaller search parties and fanning out across the town, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Laney, her eyes shining with pride and admiration.

"You were amazing up there, Molly," she said, squeezing my arm. "I don't know how you do it, how you stay so strong and positive in the face of everything."

I shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. "I don't have a choice, Laney. Hailey needs me, and I'll be damned if I let her down. Even if it means putting on a brave face and pretending like my heart isn't breaking into a million pieces."

Laney nodded, understanding flashing in her eyes. "I know, sweetie. And I'm here for you, no matter what. We all are."

I leaned into her, resting my head on her shoulder for a moment. "Thank you, Laney. I don't know what I would do without you."

She chuckled, giving me a gentle nudge. "Oh, you'd probably be lost in the woods somewhere, tripping over your own two feet and cracking bad jokes to the squirrels."

I laughed, feeling a genuine smile spread across my face for the first time in hours. "Hey, don't knock my squirrel jokes. They're a hit with the woodland creatures even if they’re a bit nutty."

We stood there for a moment, arms around each other, drawing strength from our friendship and the knowledge that we weren't alone in this fight.

And even though Jake's absence was like a gaping hole in my heart, even though I wanted nothing more than to have him by my side, I knew I had to keep going. I had to be the rock that everyone needed me to be, the glue that held us all together.

Because Hailey was counting on me. And I would never, ever let her down.

Not now, not ever.



Panic gripped me like a vise, squeezing the air from my lungs and making it hard to think straight. I had to find Hailey, had to bring her home safe and sound. But where could she be?

I had checked nearly everywhere, and the sun was sinking lower in the sky. I was unwilling to go home tonight without Hailey. The police were doing their own search, but Hailey would be scared and she’s smart, too smart for her own good sometimes. Or maybe for my own good.

The old treehouse in the woods, the one I had built together with Amy out by the lake when we were kids was the only spot I hadn’t checked. As a little girl, she had loved to go out there. It had been our special place, our secret hideaway where we would go to escape the world and just be together.

I slammed on the brakes, turning the car around and speeding off towards the lake. My heart was in my throat as I parked and ran through the trees, branches whipping at my face and leaves crunching under my feet.

The treehouse was still standing, despite a few years of neglect. As I climbed up the ladder, my breath caught in my throat as I spotted a familiar figure.


My daughter.
