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"That's not funny. Besides, I have no interest in dating the men of this town. I already found the love of my life." Jake said, reaching out and taking my hand.

His words, so earnest and sincere, it almost made me feel bad for laughing. Almost, but not quite.

"And I have dibs on the most desirable bachelor in all of Sycamore Valley." I declared in my best game show announcer voice.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "So, that means you're not interested in other bachelors?"

I pretended to think about it for a moment, then shook my head.


This, right here, was what I longed for.

A family.

A home.


And nothing, nothing in the world, could have made me happier.



The weeks after Hailey's run-away stunt were alarmingly normal. Life carried on, as it always did, the routine of work and chores and spending evenings together continuing without too much disruption. It was almost eerie how quickly things settled back into their usual rhythm after the chaos and panic of Hailey disappearing.

Yet amongst the familiar patterns, there were pleasant new routines emerging as well. Molly moved in, her belongings slowing integrating throughout the house—her books finding spaces on the living room shelves, her favorite coffee mug taking up residence beside mine in the kitchen cabinet, her photos joining the ones of Hailey and I on the walls and tables. With each new item unpacked and added to the decor, the house felt warmer, cozier, more like a home than it had in years.

In the mornings, we'd share a lazy breakfast, talking and laughing over cups of coffee. In the evenings, we'd cook side-by-side, my pancetta pasta and Molly's roasted veggies becoming new household staples. And at night, we'd curl up on the couch, Molly's head on my shoulder as we watched reruns of Friends or read our books in comfortable silence. The little moments created a new familiar domesticity that I never wanted to end.

With Molly there, the house no longer felt like just my space, but ours. Her presence filled it with a warmth and vibrancy that had been lacking. The empty corners were now occupied with the clutter of two lives merged together – Molly's throw blankets tossed over the armchair, our shoes mingling by the door, both our jackets hanging on the coat rack.

But amidst the happiness, there were still two looming issues Natasha and that of the school board. We knew we had to face it head-on, secure my custody of Hailey and our jobs.

I didn't trust that Natasha was gone for good. But one thing at a time.

So, with a mix of nervousness and resentful determination, Molly and I found ourselves once again summoned before the board, our hands clasped tightly together as we strolled the hall to the conference room. The school held the empty feeling it always did on summer break. Like the building was in hibernation.

Molly gave my hand a gentle squeeze in the hall ready to argue our case. But as it would turn out. We didn't need to.

"Jake, Molly," Principal Walker began, his tone serious. "We've called you here today to discuss the recent developments in your case."

I took a deep breath, ready to face whatever came next.

"After a thorough investigation, it has come to light that the photographs in question were, in fact, fabricated," Principal Walker continued, shuffling through a stack of papers. "It appears that they were created and distributed by a student, who shall not be named, as part of a misguided attempt to bring you two together."

Relief washed over me, followed quickly by a twinge of guilt. Hailey had meant well, but her actions had caused so much turmoil.

"In light of this new information, the board has decided to drop all allegations of misconduct against you. You are both fully reinstated, with our sincerest apologies for any distress this situation may have caused."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. "Thank you, Principal Walker. That means a great deal to us."

The principal nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "There's one more thing. After much discussion and deliberation, the board has also decided to abolish the rule prohibiting inter-faculty relationships. It has become clear that such a policy is outdated and unnecessarily restrictive. As long as all parties maintain professionalism within the school environment, what happens outside of these walls is none of our concern."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not only were Molly and I cleared of any wrongdoing, but we were free to be together, openly and without fear. It was more than I could have hoped for.

As we left the meeting, hand in hand and giddy with relief, an idea began to form in my mind. I was going to ask Molly to marry me.
