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An idea that grew and blossomed into a full-fledged plan.

Over the next month, the days seemed to blur together as I threw myself into planning the perfect proposal for Molly. Every spare moment was devoted to orchestrating this grand gesture of love, with the help of Hailey and the entire town, who were all too eager to assist in bringing our vision to life. However, a part of me couldn't shake the feeling of unease, knowing that I was orchestrating such an elaborate scheme behind Molly's back.

It all began with secret meetings held in the cover of night. Patsy again came to our aid and spread the word about the plan, albeit offline.

Hailey, my ever-enthusiastic accomplice, was by my side every step of the way. When I first told her my idea, I think she thought I had, had a stroke or a brain tumor, but she quickly agreed it was perfect even if she thought my song choice was a little bit odd.

But that, unlike so much of my relationship was just between Molly and me.

The plan was simple, or at least on paper. The marching band would play Dancing Queen while dancing. Everyone who was willing was welcome to join in singing and dancing along. Molly would, of course, be swept off her feet and will any luck, say yes to the guy on one knee—me.

One of our first tasks was organizing dance lessons. Which was easier said than done. We were a bit of a mess but we persevered and while we'd certainly win no awards, I knew our imperfect perfection would be right up Molly's alley.

As the days passed, the band rehearsed tirelessly, honing their performance to perfection. Led by our talented drum major, Dave Greco, I was sure those kids could play that in their sleep.

Throughout it all, we maintained the utmost secrecy, careful not to let slip even the slightest hint of our plans to Molly. It was a delicate dance, balancing the need for secrecy with the desire to involve the community which had loose lips at times. But somehow, we managed to keep the surprise under wraps, everyone was sworn to secrecy until the big day arrived.

Molly's friends, Laney, Becca, and even Amy, played a crucial role in keeping Molly occupied on rehearsal nights. With their help, we ensured that Molly's evenings were filled with dinners, movie nights, and girls' outings, providing the perfect cover for our clandestine activities. Sometimes, even Hailey joined in the fun, distracting Molly with games and adventures while we put the finishing touches on our plan.

Finally, the day arrived. The day when everything would come together.

It was the first week of August, and the summer sun shone down on Sycamore Valley, bathing the streets in a warm, golden glow. We were gathered downtown, less than a block from Hank’s, where I knew Molly would be waiting for me.

Hailey bounced up to me, her grin fit to burst. “Are you ready?”

"Yes." I said backing my pocket for the ring for the umpteenth time.

"Well let's get the show on the road then." She threw her arms around me and skipped over to her spot in the group.

"Just remember, when the song starts, you guys have to wait until the right moment."

"We know, dad." Hailey stage whispered.

"I know, I just want it to be perfect."

"It will be. Don't worry."

With a nod, I started to walk. My nerves were on fire, but in the best way possible. The drum major readied the band and we started marching, when I signaled him, he twirled his scepter and started conducting with his hands as the woodwinds played the opening notes to Dancing Queen, our song. Whether I liked it or not.

By the time we reached Hank's, Molly was standing in the middle of the street, her jaw practically on the pavement and her eyes wide with a mix of shock and delight. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning who'd just discovered that Santa was real and had brought her a puppy.

Damn near the entire town showed up singing faithfully along as the whole band danced while performing the song.

I belted out the chorus, embarrassing the hell out of myself but that was okay, I was a fool for Molly Sinclair and I didn't care who knew it.

The crowd joined in with the refrain. The song was coming to a close, and it was now or never. I walked up to Molly, who was laughing and dancing and having the time of her life. I got down on one knee, and the crowd fell silent.



Jake took my hands in his, his eyes shining with love and unshed tears. His voice was thick with emotion as he spoke. "Molly, from the moment you came crashing into my life, everything changed. You brought light and laughter and love into the darkest corners of my world. Your kindness, your strength, your unwavering belief in me—it's made me a better man."

He paused, squeezing my hands tightly. "These past months haven’t been easy, but you've been my rock through all of it. I can't imagine facing another day without you by my side. You are my soulmate, my partner, my everything. Which is why I have to ask..." Jake sank down to one knee, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket. My heart stopped as he opened it to reveal a stunning diamond ring. "Molly Sinclair, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

For a moment, I couldn't speak, couldn't even breathe as waves of love and joy crashed over me. This was really happening—the man I adored more than life itself was asking me to be his wife.

I threw my arms around his neck. "Yes," I whispered fiercely against the warmth of his skin. "A thousand times, yes." I pulled back just enough to pepper his beloved face with fervent kisses, tasting the salt of happy tears on both our cheeks.
