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"You're not a pervert, Jake. Don't worry, it will blow over."

"I sure hope so. You realize more than a dozen teachers signed a petition to have me removed as a chaperone for the Spring Fling?"

She giggled, cupping her mouth. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm not even sure they understand how petitions work. Like you can't just sign a sheet and say these people don't want you to do something. There's no authority in it."

"That is funny," she said, shaking her head.

"Is it?"

"Oh, Jake, it'll be fine." She reached out, this time putting her hand on my arm. A zing of electricity ran up my spine.

I stepped back and she looked down, crestfallen. I was about to say something when Hailey opened the door. "Hey, dad. Hey, Molly."

"Hailey," I said, my heart clenching hoping the students were immune to the gossip. "How was your day?"

"Fine," she said, looking at the two of us curiously. "Are you okay, dad? Why were you fighting with Ms. Reed? People said she's making you leave the dance."

"Ms. Reed and I had a disagreement. Don't worry. And everything's fine." At least she didn't seem to know the whole story.

"Okay." Hailey said, her face skeptical.

"Let's get going. I'll meet you in the car."

"Alright," she said and walked out of the room. As the door swung closed behind Hailey, I scrubbed a hand over my face, exhaustion and frustration crashing over me anew.

"I don't know how much more I can take," I admitted. "Maybe Valerie's campaign will drive me insane."

Molly clicked her tongue sympathetically, “Hey, we all know what an upstanding pillar of this community you are beneath your growls."

I snorted half-heartedly at her teasing. "I'm a pariah."

"Could be worse. You could be a piranha," Molly said tipping her head thoughtfully, index finger tapping her bowed lips and I didn’t even dignify her ridiculous comment with a response. "You know, if Valerie wants a show, why not beat her at her own game?" she mused.

At my puzzled look, she continued, "We'll do a PR campaign, maybe get Patsy to do a post. We’ll counter attack, like they do for politicians after they're caught having an affair. We'll show them all what real integrity looks like—even under fire!"

I grimaced at the idea and then deadpanned in my best Bill Clinton impression. "I did not have a sexting relations with that woman."

She giggled, a twinkle lighting her eyes. "But he did... so, maybe pick a better reference next time."

We doubled over in laughter. When we straightened, she was staring at me.

"You are a good guy, Jake Kingsbury." Her words were soft and her gaze sincere, leaving me speechless. I stared down into her pretty green eyes, and the desire to kiss her nearly overwhelmed me.

"Thanks, Molly." I cleared my throat, breaking the moment. "Well, I better get home and make dinner."

"Right, right. I have to go anyway; I'm meeting with my contractor to get an update on my house. I'll work on your PR plan and get back to you."

"Fine, but don't do anything without running it by me first, ok?"

"Ok. Have a good night." She turned and walked away, and I watched her, wanting her to stay.



"Who's ready for 18 holes of utter humiliation?!" I trilled in my best showman voice, handing the blue putters and matching polka-dotted ball to him.
