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"Hold up, you're with Molly? When did that happen? How did that happen?"

"We've been spending some time together and it's nice. And we decided to try for real."

"For real? That sounds serious."

"No, it's not like that," I laughed. "I mean we were pretend dating. It's a long story. But now we're trying to see if we can really work."

"Why did you wait until I was out of town to start living an interesting life? There's a lot to unpack there. Pretend dating?"

I launched into a detailed explanation of everything she'd missed since we last spoke.

"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard," Amy said through a yawn, and I felt bad for keeping her so long. She must be exhausted.

"Yeah, I know. It's good for now but I'm just worried about Hailey," I said exhaling, relieved to give voice to the concern that had been swirling around in my head since I asked Molly to make things real.

"Listen, Jake. You're a great dad. You'll always put Hailey first, but you deserve to be happy too. Don't miss out on a good thing because of your fears. I say go for it."

"But Molly is different in good ways and less good ways. She's smart and funny. She's great with Hailey and the students seem to love her. But she's a bit reckless and impulsive. I'm just worried that if this all blows up because we're not compatible, Hailey is going to be the one who gets hurt. And that's the last thing I want. Not after everything with Natasha."

"I hear what you're saying. And that's fair, but you have to give it a chance. I'm sure Hailey would want that for you."

"Thanks, Amy," I said. I did not know what else to say or feel.

"Beside Hailey's got a good head on her shoulders. I'm sure she'd understand. It's not like she thinks she's a replacement Natasha. "

The mention of my ex-wife never failed to make my stomach churn even after all these years. "Molly is nothing like Natasha. She would never walk out on her husband and child."

"Well, I think that says a lot about how you're feeling."

"I'm not sure what you mean." I frowned, unsure whether to embrace hope. Amy knew better than anyone how tightly locked I kept my emotions.

"I just mean that it sounds like you really like Molly. It's ok to let yourself be happy. And that's what Hailey will think. She won't think of Molly as a mommy-do-over."

I leaned against the oak tree's rough, uneven bark, shuffling from foot to foot restlessly. "Yeah, maybe. "

"Just think about it, ok?"

"Ok. So, what's the real reason you wanted me to call?"

"Oh, well mostly to catch up but I'm also having some stuff shipped to the house, and I need you to put it in the spare room."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Baby stuff." Her voice lifted with excitement, and I smiled. My big sister was going to have a baby, and I couldn't have been happier for her. She was going to make a great mother; I just knew it.

"Gotcha. Will do. Well, I'll let you go. Love you."

"Love you too. Give Hailey my love."

"Will do."

I hung up the phone and looked back out on the field. Hailey wasn't playing anymore. She was arguing with one of the girls. I pushed off the tree and walked out to the field. Trying to remain calm though my heart raced with concern.

"Hailey, what's going on?" I asked uneasily, eyeing the circle of girls suddenly falling silent, stifling giggles. Hailey spun sharply away, ponytail nearly whipping a freckled redhead shrinking back wide-eyed.

My pulse kicked as warning bells went off seeing fiery tears threatening to fall before she hid her face. Long strides carried me to where Hailey halted stiffly, barely resisting when I turned her toward me. I swallowed helplessly taking in trembling lips clearly bitten raw to maintain composure.

"Nothing," Hailey said crossing her arms, as she pulled away from me and stormed off. I chased after her, catching up quickly.
