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"How's everything going?"

"Good, Hailey is sleeping. She may have ODed on Harry Potter and junk food. My bad."

He laughed and the sound made my stomach flutter. "Just make sure she's resuscitated by the time I get back."

I saluted him. "You're looking very cozy."

"Yeah, this place is nice. Very quiet. I can't remember the last time I got away like this."

"You're welcome."

"Thank you."

"How's everything going over there?" My eyes traced the strong lines of Jake's shoulders appreciatively. "Bonding bromantically or have you already scared your buddy off with rigid rule recitations?"

He shook his head, his grin charmingly bashful. "Oh, Dan is well-versed in my ways. He'll tell me exactly where to put my unsolicited suggestions."

I grinned goofily, the familiar fluttering low in my belly quickening seeing Jake's relaxed happiness. "So, have you gotten to do any manly activities yet? Club a bear or fishing or hunting or something?"

"Have you ever met a man?" he asked with a breathy laugh. " We did some fishing today. We'll probably dust off our clubs tomorrow though." I liked him like this, playing into my ridiculous sense of humor. It was like we spoke the same language after all. Who knew?

"Did you catch any fish?"

"Not even a nibble," Jake chuckled.

I offered my best consoling pout. "Well, when all else fails you can fall back on your catfishing profiles."

He barked a laugh. "Very funny."

I shrugged, "It's a little funny."

Jake looked at me like I was his whole universe, a feeling I could get used to.

"It’s funny, for you maybe." He quipped.

“Did I hurt your feelings? Awww, I'm sorry."

"You should be."

"I guess I'll just have to make it up to you somehow." I teased.

"Oh yeah? And how do you plan on doing that?" Jake questioned.

"I'm sure I can think of something."

"On second thought, I may just have to come back tomorrow."

I giggled. God, he made me feel like a teenager sometimes, giddy and ready to be reckless at the drop of a hat. "Too bad I have plans tomorrow."


"Hailey and I have proper girls’ day out plans. Going shopping, getting our nails done, and then we're going to catch that new movie she wants to see."

"I’m sure you two will have fun. Don’t get into too much trouble."

"No promises, except that we will be up to no good."

He narrowed his eyes at me and then grinned. "Then I will see you Sunday, as planned You should get some sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow. But I’m happy you called. It was nice to see your face. "
