Page 211 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“No, I’m good, guys,” I say. “Gonna head back and hang out with my grandpa while he’s here.”

I wave goodbye, promising to catch them on campus tomorrow.

Our first day of college. The beginning of an era full of new experiences.

For some, more new experiences than others.

I glance upward, following the tree branches toward Dana’s bedroom window.




Well, that was a bust.

Honestly, Connor’s reaction wasn’t what I expected. I’m not sure exactly what I did expect. Jumping up and down? No. But I at least thought he might be interested. I mean... it’s just sex. He’s done it. And a lot. He and Jacinda practically copulated in the hallways between fourth and fifth period every chance they had last year.

But he doesn’t want to do it with me.

It stings a little.

I’ll figure something else out.

Leaving that problem for later, I skim the online Chicago North course catalog. It’s a long shot. Classes start tomorrow. Most everything is full or wait-listed, but I still head over to the theatre department to be sure.

Playwriting 101. Instructor: Grant Wilson.

Seats open: 1

I bite my lip, letting my fingers hover over my touchpad.

“Knock, knock.”

I laugh instantly as my father pokes his head into my room. He never just... knocks. “Hey, Dad,” I say, closing my laptop. “What’s up?”

He steps through the open doorway, his broad shoulders brushing the frame. “I come bearing a gift.”

I turn my desk chair to face him, my attention fully locked on him now. “A gift?”

With a chuckle, he presents a small box to me, shiny and white, and tied off with a sapphire ribbon. “For my only daughter on the eve of her freshman year.”

I take it from him, smiling as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed. “What is it?”

“Open it.”

I pull the ribbon, letting it curl into my lap. “Ah!” I chuckle at the card as I pick it up. “A parking pass.”

“With all the hustle of this week getting you three off to school, we completely forgot about parking and since I’m the idiot who bought all of my children new cars for their eighteenth birthdays this year...” He gestures to it.

“Thanks, Dad.” I set it on my desk next to my phone. “I’m sure I’ll make good use of it.”

“G-lot is the nearest to the quad,” he says. “Central to almost everything. But E-lot is right next to the campus wellness center, so you should park there instead.”

I exhale through my nose, perhaps a bit too hard. “Yeah, I remember,” I say, recalling the countless times they pointed it out to me every single time we visited campus.

He notices. “I don’t mean to nag you, honey.”
