Page 256 of Talk Swoony to Me

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I can’t help but smile as she nudges me with her elbow and winks.

“Now, without further ado...” Ms. Jaxx grins, her voice dipping away from sweet professionalism to a lower, more devious, drawl. “Let’s get this Beta Brunch started, shall we?”

The girls around me coo while Ms. Jaxx taps her phone.

Pop music pours out of speakers mounted in each corner, the volume low enough to talk over. Movement echoes in from the foyer, feet thumping down the stairs one-by-one.

“Ladies,” Ms. Jaxx continues, “I’d like to introduce you to the stafffor today’s event: our handsome neighbors from across the street...”

My jaw drops as they march into the room from the kitchen. There are two dozen of them, each holding a tray covered with small sandwiches and other finger foods, but that’s not what has the women around me swooning.

They’re all wearing nightgowns. Silk nighties that stop just above their knees, their lower halves obscured by a pair of black shorts. Tight black shorts.

Thick biceps. Toned chests. A fiercely male presentation despite their feminine garbs.

I swallow hard.

Ladies cry out with whistles and applause as the boys curl into the room in a long line. I study their faces, plenty of them I recognize from the party the night before, though I never imagined I’d see so much of them this… oh, my god…

My brothers.

I choke on a laugh, their stretched nighties just barely covering their shorts. Alex in red. Ben in blue.

And Connor in yellow.

He walks in behind them. I suck in a breath.

“The current pledges of Alpha Delta Xi!” Ms. Jaxx concludes, her voice almost inaudible over the feral noises all around me.

Connor makes eye contact with me, his smile dipping as his cheeks turn pink. I know what he’s thinking, because I’m thinking about it, too.

Touch me, Connor.

I force myself to look away, my gaze drawn back to my brothers instead. They stand with goofy grins, flexing and enjoying the feminine attention they’re getting.

And now I know why my father wanted pictures.

I discreetly take out my phone, snapping a photo of them to share later.

The boys break off, striding toward groups of girls and kneeling to serve them. They move with balance and grace, not unlike the Delta Xis who bowed before me last night. Obviously, they received a little hands-on training before today’s event. The thought of my brothers going through that without complaining nearly leaves me in stitches.


I flinch, my concentration broken by the man knelt by my side. “Emerson,” I say.

He smirks, his elegant nightie matching the stunning sky-blue in his eyes.

I grab a small sandwich off his tray. “Thank you.”

He pivots away from me to serve Courtney, and I turn to look for Connor again. He’s also kneeling, offering his tray to a line of girls on the corner sofa, his laughter blending naturally with…

My chest clenches.

His ex-girlfriend’s laugh.

Jacinda Cunningham.


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