Page 311 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“Or was it left?”

“Fuck, man. How should I know?”

“Your dad went here!”

“So did yours!”

“Yeah, but mine isn’t the coach!”

“Yours has a wing named after him!”

“Ten minutes, fifteen seconds…” Ben says.

Alex spins toward him. “Dude, will you stop with the clock thing?!”

I rush back the way we came, their feet tearing up the floor behind me as I go. We reach the fork and take the right path into a new area of the rec center. A bit of relief washes over me as we pass by places I know I’ve been before. Must be on the right track now.

“This way!” I shout, spotting our usual locker room down the hall.

Three other guys enter the hall from the opposite side, booking it just as fast as we are.


The other two I recognize as well, both Delta Xi pledges. One of them is Pete from the scout team, a man I know can’t outrun me… but he can hit like a truck.

They reach the locker room door first and rush through, not stopping to hold the door open for us. I wouldn’t have either. Six pairs of shoes pound the floor, the sounds echoing even louder as we reach the ramp to the football field.

The stadium is dark, but I can clearly make out multiple trios of girls waiting at the forty yard line. It only takes a second for me to spot the symbols on their shirts and match the ones from our flyer that brought us here in the first place.

With Ben and Alex two steps behind me, I arch left and make my way toward our girls. “We’re here!” I say, stopping in front of them to catch my breath. “Are we late?”

The girl in the middle shakes her head. “Five minutes to spare.” She holds out her hand. “Your list, please.”

I rifle through my pockets, looking for it, my fingers gliding along the cotton in my jacket pocket. Oh, yeah. Panties.

Dana’s panties.

White cotton with a yellow bow on the front.

Focus, Morgan.

I ignore it, finding our list waded up in the back pocket of my jeans. The girl unfolds it as Alex dumps the bag onto the grass.

The other girls peek at it over her shoulders, making a show of reading it and marking things off.

“Panties?” one of them asks.

Dana’s panties.

I take them out of my pocket, but I hold on to them. “Here.”

They nod in unison.

“It’s all here!” Alex blurts impatiently. “And we have proof for the panties!”

“Yeah!” Ben says, proudly holding up his phone. “They’re our sister’s!”

The girls pause for a moment, but don’t bother looking at the photo before continuing through the list.
