Page 463 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“Well, I’d planned on doing just that at the next building manager retreat, but—oh!” She turns up her hands. “You won’t be there.”

I shrug. “Guess I’ll just have to fill in the blanks myself, then.”

“You could try, but you’d never get it right.” She sets the paper down. “I’ve got just the topic in mind for my presentation.”

“Oh, yeah?” I ask. “Is it something I can pass on for you today?”

“Oh, no.” She smiles. “No need to bother Graham just yet. He’s got enough going on. We’ll chat at the convention.”

I nod. “All right.”

Angela takes a long, hard look at me, her smile lingering on her thin lips. “You did it, kiddo,” she says. “Worked your way up.”

“Well, I had a lot of support,” I say with a nod at her.

She scoffs. “You had balls. Brass ones. You’re probably aware of this already, but there are quite a few people in this company who were not pleased with the news of your promotion.”

“Ian?” I assume.

“Among others.”

“How did you feel about it?”

Angela smirks. “I thought... of that shy young man in a hand-me-down suit sitting in the back of the Plaza ballroom furiously taking notes while all the other managers were busy stroking each other off and patting themselves on the back for just how wonderfully successful they were. They thought the war was over. Meanwhile, you were sharpening your blade.”

“You make me sound so manly,” I quip.

“Darling, the only thing manlier than taking what you want is doing the work to earn it,” she says. “You earned this. Don’t let the circle-jerking morons make you think otherwise.”

I chuckle, but I note her advice. I always have.

“Hey, why didn’t you ever put your name in for the Liaison position?” I ask, curious.

“What makes you think I didn’t?” She waves a hand. “Once upon a time, maybe I thought about it, but...” She shakes her head. “I’m happy here. Boston is my home now.”

“You know, I’m starting to see the appeal,” I say. “I went out last night. Saw a bit of the town up close.”

“Where d’you go?”

“Muffin Top bakery.”

She perks up. “Did you get a cupcake?”

“Yes, I got a cupcake.”

“Good cupcakes.”


Her desk phone rings. She answers it with a pause and clears her throat before speaking. “Hello?... Yes. ... No, go on and cancel it, then. ... All right. Bye.”

She hangs up and leans back in her chair.

“Cancel what?” I ask.

“Oh, just another meeting that could easily be an email,” she quips. “Kind of like this one!”

I button my jacket as I rise from my chair. “And miss the chance to see your beautiful smile again?” I wink. “Not a chance.”
