Page 73 of Talk Swoony to Me

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I pull her back in, claiming another wild kiss. She giggles, her lips parted for my tongue. I taste her. I feel her. But it’s not enough.

I need more.

Again, she tilts away. This time, she shifts back, the golden rings of her eyes looking dim in the shadows, but no less gorgeous.

“Would you...” she pauses, but only for a second. “Would you like to come in?”

I hesitate. I fucking hesitate.

A beautiful girl just invited me inside after a great date, which only means one thing, and I fucking hesitate?

Heidi. Heidi Newbury.

Seth’s little sister.

Part of me feels like I should shake my head and wag my finger at her, but she’s no child. She’s a big girl who can make her own decisions. She can invite a guy back home with her if she wants to.

And I can say yes.

Brothers be damned.

“Yes,” I say.



I throw open Jenna’s bedroom door and rush inside. Jenna looks up from her desk with her feet propped up and a highlighter in her hand.

“Hey, there,” she says, oddly calm for my sudden intrusion.

I close the door and plant my back against it. “Hi,” I say.

There’s an open book on her lap. Human Anatomy and… Physiology?

I furrow in surprise. “Are you studying?”

“Yes. I don’t want to talk about it.” She groans as she slams the book. “How did your date go?”

“It’s… still going,” I say. “He’s here.”

She plops her feet on the floor. “He’s here?”

“Yeah, we were making out in his car and then I invited him inside and now he’s on the couch browsing Netflix.”

“Well, what are you doing in here?” She shoos me away. “Go get you some.”

“That’s…” My breath rattles my lungs. “That’s kinda why I’m in here…”

She says nothing as she regards me with squinted eyes.

“Jenna,” I say. “How do I sex?”

For a moment, she gives me nothing. Then, her face flushes with emotion as she presses her lips together and smiles with pride.

“I have been waiting for this moment… for so long,” she says, her voice quivering slightly.

