Page 88 of Talk Swoony to Me

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He smirks. “God, you’re perfect.”

I bounce my brow. “I know.”

“I have an irresistible urge to lie down on my back and have you rest your head right here.” He rubs his shoulder.

“You mean cuddle?” I ask.

He winces playfully. “Is there no manlier word for that?”

I scoff. “There is nothing unmanly about the word cuddle.”

“There is a little.”

The door opens and Seth waltzes in with a wad of cash in his hands.

“See?” he says, holding it up. “Told you that bastard owed me money.” He bobs his head at us. “What’d I miss?”

“Nothing.” I smile. “I was just explaining to your roommate here that there was nothing unmanly about a good cuddle.”

Seth feigns offense at Drew. “So, this is how you tell me you don’t appreciate Tickle Tuesdays?”

Drew glares at me. “Why would you do this to me?”

I smirk. “Because it’s fun.”

“You know...” Seth swallows hard, “I give and I give...”

“I’m going to class.” Drew stands and grabs his notebook off the desk. “You two should not be allowed to hang out anymore.”

“I love you so much it hurts me sometimes!” Seth shouts after him.

Drew quickens his gait and disappears down the stairs.

Seth grins at me. “Thanks for the assist, little sister.”

I raise my palm, and he gives me a high five.



I turn the water to full blast freezing and stand directly under the showerhead. As much as I’d enjoy a solid evening wank, I have plans in an hour.

Heidi plans.

Not that I’m expecting anything to happen. She’s a virgin. She’s not ready for anything too physical. I said I was okay with that and I am. There’s no question about it. Spending time with Heidi so far has been all about exactly that. Spending time with Heidi.

And it’s better than I ever expected it to be.

When I kiss her, when I lie down with her, I know that’s as far as it’ll go. For some, that might be frustrating. I admittedly thought it might be when this whole thing started. But honestly, it’s refreshing. We fill our time with more important things. Her stories. My stories. Sweet kisses and naughty words.

I wonder, however, is this fresh and exciting because I genuinely adore her?

Or because she’s my dirty little secret?

I finish my shower and head upstairs to my room. Seth is there when I arrive, lounging on the couch in his flannel pants by the TV in the corner.

He sees me and instantly tosses his phone aside. “Oh, good. You’re still here.”
