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Maybe I should take his tongue… just for speaking to my future wife, his eyes– for looking at her. I’ll make damn sure that I take his cock if he tries to stick that in too. I’ll shove it down his throat and make him choke on it. Maybe he would like that… Nevermind. Scratch that. He might like that, and I want nothing less to ensure he never feels happiness again.

I’ll let him think that he’s in charge and is doing good, then tear him down and kill him. I don’t care about what Father says– he has needed to die for a very long time. Father can hold his tongue and shut the fuck up. I don’t care what he has to say.

I can pretend for a while that she’s okay, lurk in the shadows while he plays house with her. Then, when he least expects it… Come out like a serial killer chasing after the dumb blonde bitch running up the stairs instead of down.

I chuckle to myself. I can almost hear his voice screaming at me, “No, Atlis. Think about what you're doing. Don’t kill me! I’m just playing with you!”

Yeah… Playing with my sanity. Playing with my emotions. Playing with my wife.

I crawl into bed, pushing the blanket off of my body in a huff. I don’t want the warm, cuddly blankets. It doesn’t matter how soft and cozy they are– they still aren’t her. Am I a freak or a stalker for wanting her in bed next to me? Just to cuddle and to laugh with. Someone, I can torture in all the right ways?

I turn to my side and stare out the window. I feel stupid for having these fluffy thoughts about Zolina. I feel like I'm an insolent child who is growing up and dealing with puberty and hormones– I just want a family. A normal life with a normal wife. Something structured without my pussy of a father or my degenerate of a brother.

I just want Zolina.

Next to me.

In bed with me.

Married to me.

Chapter 9


Kias and I are lying on a blanket, resting on the black sand beach of Noir Sands. He’s propped up on one arm as the other rests across my midsection. JD is off somewhere in the not-to-far distance, throwing rocks into the sea.

“You’re spectacular, Pookie. Did you know that?” Kias asks, whispering into my ear. His breath is hot on my face. I hate his nickname. I've asked him so many times to call me something else– anything else but he doesn't seem to care that it bothers me.

“You think I’m spectacular? Really?” I roll my eyes and smile a little bit.

He lets out a deep laugh and leans over to kiss me. The hand on my stomach moves down, over my hips, and onto my thigh. I rub my legs together attempting to relieve the urge that has grown deep in my body.

“Touch me, Kias. Please?” I beg.

“Zolina, again? You know I won't. Not until we're married. It isn’t right to touch something that isn’t officially mine,” he huffs. Kias removes his hand and sits up. “Why do you always have to ruin these perfect fucking moments?”

“Ruin? I’m just trying to get you to touch me, dammit. I have needs, and so do you. It’s been over a month, and we still haven’t gotten to third base. No one is even around right now.” I gesture around the park, proving my point.

I hear someone clear their throat. “Well… except me.” I look around, finding Atlis resting on a large piece of driftwood.

When the fuck did this asshole get here? And why does he always pop up at the most random times?

“Well, Kias… You sure do know how to disappoint everyone around you. I'm glad to know it isn't just me,” Atlis says.

“Shut the fuck up, Atlis. Not everything is about you,” Kias bitches, glaring at his brother like he is an incurable disease. If looks could do damage, Atlis would be roasted alive right now.

“Like you could do better,” I mumble under my breath.

“Oh, Pet. How right you are. I was wondering if you were ever going to come to your senses. It’s about time that you come to the correct brother anyway.”

I am shocked to know that Atlis heard me at all. I thought I was quiet enough. “Pet? How rude. I’m not coming to you. Actually, I’m not coming at all! Fuck both of you. Take me home, Kias.”

“I’ll gladly fuck you. Just give me a time and a date, and I’ll be there,” Atlis winks before sauntering off into the dark.

“I don’t want to take you home yet, Pookie. We just got here,” Kias whines.

“I want to go home. Please?”
